Re: Yes to Publicity! Not to Anonimit! Was: Re: GNOME Foundation Annual Elections - proposal

I am only trying to question the "works better" part. I am not so sure about that and I would like to make descisions based on facts
instead of plain cliches "anonimity is good!".

There's an argument not based on a cliche. It's:

"Open voting can make it more difficult to work with other people in the
GNOME project who know you voted against them in the Foundation

I never said that anonymity does not solve *this* problem. It does. But it also creates new problems and I am just saying that you need to realize it and know about it to make an educated descision. If someone thinks that anonimity is a holy graal that has only pluses and no minuses then it's exactly the cliche: "anonimity is good!" :) Unfortunately, I have real examples from the very close past of my country when anonimity was as a protection for doing bad things (or just not doing good things). Yes, I am afraid of anonimity and about descisions made
by anonymous voting when *nobody* is *personaly* responsible for the result.

I don't know what is the right answer for you. I don't need anonimity because I am trying to do things that I think are right. And I think that I can take responsibility for my actions and my descisions. And if someone does not like what I am doing then I have to work it out, find a compromise, etc. It's a part of the equation and you have to take it in consideration anyway (if you work with someone that was not elected and s/he knows that you did vote then s/he can blaim you anyway even if s/he does not know how *exactly* did you vote).


P.S. I hope everyone understands that there is no such a thing like anonimity these days. If someone really wants to find out how you vote in GNOME Foundation elections then s/he can find it. The proposed system makes it *harder* to find this out. But not impossible. And if a person would be really pissed of by election results then s/he would be able to find who voted against
him (may be not for this but for the next election defenetly).

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