Re: Questions for candidates

Luis Villa wrote:
> I suppose the problem/lack of understanding is that a main point of my
> talk was that we (i.e., non-code-writers) can't generally 'force'
> anything on coders. Since above all else the project needs working
> code[1], coders have a bigger stick than the rest of us. That's fine.
> That doesn't mean the rest of us aren't important, nor does it mean we
> can't earn the right to have our voices heard. It just means we have to
> work slightly harder to reach that point, since we have to win leverage
> and influence by working at it in ways that coders do not.
> Bottom line is that I earned my position within the project by doing
> very non-code stuff. So it's quite possible for anyone to do it. That
> doesn't mean we get it on a silver platter, for better or for worse.
> Luis
> [1] I can QA unmaintained code until the end of time, but that won't get
> GNOME $NEXT out the door- only coders can fix/release/make improvements
> in the code. So, in that sense, a coder is more important than I am. I'm
> only important (in that framework) if I convince coders that they want
> QA- and I have done that, so I'm important. a11y and other groups
> /could/ do that- i18n definitely has, for example (more so than QA,
> even), and usability is moving in that direction. But it's a continual
> process for each group and must be earned.

Luis - we are just going to have to agree to disagree. I do not believe that any part of a successful, cohesive team is any more important than another part, in terms of the overall final result. Analogy: the guys making the engines in the car factory are the most important because the cars can't function without engines. Tell that to the wheels department, or the brakes team. 


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