Minutes of the GNOME Board meeting May 6 2003

	  Minutes of the GNOME Board meeting May 6 2003


    Nat Friedman (chair)
    Jonathan Blandford
    Tim Ney
    Jody Goldberg	(minutes)
    Jeff Waugh 		(:25 phone problems)
    James Henstridge
    Jim Gettys
    Luis Villa
    Bill Haneman
    Miguel de Icaza

    Glynn Foster
    Daniel Veillard

Actions Done:

  ACTION: DV to follow up on setting protocols for reporting and performance
	  metrics for Tim.


  ACTION : Tim/Jonathan Create spreadsheet outline for funding
	- baseline needs
	- target goals above that
	- known income
	=> This is pending the renewal of the advisory board fees
	   and GUADEC revenue/costs.

  ACTION: Tim to prepare the logistics for the Advisory Board meeting
      => It will be on the 19th June after GUADEC, ongoing ..

  ACTION: DV to re-contact the LinuxDesktop Consortium and act as liaison
      => pending

  ACTION: post new web-site.  Come Hell, High Water, or lack of
	bandwidth, or hardware problems, or ...
	=> Jeff to get new code into CVS on Saturday May 10
	=> Community to cheer him on and help with breakage

  ACTION: Jim to followup on new or extensions of the existing fonts
     => pending

  ACTION: Jonathan to get an announce for the tutorial on the gtk list
     => pending

New Actions:

  ACTION: Organise a thank you to for the bitstream folk
	=> Jim to organise a dinner

  ACTION: Discuss Friends of GNOME sign up at GUADEC registration with
  	GUADEC planning committee.
	eg 'I gave a friends of GNOME' button
	or Liberally waived registration fees

	=> Tim to raise it.

  ACTION: A Pre-GUADEC Friends of GNOME fund raising drive
	=> Tim


    - Welcome back Luis

    - GUADEC Status
	: Funds from Booths & Friends of GNOME available
	: Weakness in funding due to personnel changes a previous
	: Core GUADEC costs are almost covered.  Remainder of
	  fund-raising targeted at travel sponsorship.

    - Advisory meeting
	: Organising planning session before the meeting (potentially
	  15th) to brainstorm and discuss high level goals
	: Split 19th into 1/2 for foundation 1/2 for advisory

    - Web Site
	: Nat suggests get it out even if broken
	: Jeff agrees and designates Sunday May 11 as 'Make it work' day.

    - News Letter
	: 2 options
	    1) Just get it out
	    2) Procrastinate
	    (2) seems likely to push past GUADEC so we'd lean towards (1)

	: How wide a distribution ?
	    - Advisory board & Executive summary
		: Initial edition is likely to be substandard.  We may not want
		to waste their time.
	    - F.O.G ?
		: Too wide for initial run.

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