Re: RealMedia used for GUADEC live transmissions?

    > Is there an URL to download the evil realmedia files ?

    soon [tm]

The best way to make these files available for someone to convert them
is to put them in an unadvertised place and tell the person who will
convert them.  That way you can avoid sending a message to the public
legitimizing use of RealPlayer.

However, I'm told that the sound quality that can be extracted from a
RealPlayer file is not as good as a raw recording.  Some of the data
has already been lost.  So if raw recordings exist, using them would
give better results.  If they don't exist, converting the RealPlayer
files is all we can do.

Turning to the future, we should look at handling this next year.  At
the FSF we have experience webcasting and releasing recordings in formats
that are supported by free software.  Can we arrange to get involved
next year and make sure this is done right?

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