Does Gnome have to do as it's Told?

On Wed, 2001-10-24 at 13:49, Bart Decrem wrote:
> I never quite understood what it means that we are "part of the GNU 
> project" anyway.  I know it means RMS feels free to breathe down our 
> neck extra hard about silly things like this, but other than that, it 
> feels like it's mostly us promoting the FSF. 

True or False:  More people know what Gnome is than Know what GNU is?

I think it's probably false.  Certianly some one can not use linux for
long with out hearing about both.  AS for Windows/Mac folk, I imagine
it's possible for a person to use either system for their entier life
without knowing anyting about Gnome and FSF/GNU

All that said, it is probabaly time for the Foundation to make it known
one way or the other:  Does Gnome rule it's self, or does the FSF have
veto poweres over the Gnome Foundation and Gnome it's self?

This is not desicion on the mention of non-free software in the summary,
but weather or not gnome is alowed to govern it's own future?


  Rob Brown-Bayliss

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