Re: Export folder patch

Here is my first meaningful patch. It corrects the output of the export folder patch by specifying the charset. This is important for all people
using non-iso-8859-1 locales.

Reply to self:
- Personally not happy with the patch (Default charset should be read only once, or at leaste only once per gallery, not once per file ; should not output anything if equal to iso-8859-1 which is the default encoding for, and neither for LANG=C, whatever is output by f- spot) - found another bug (and patched, and tested patch works) (export folder while selecting pictures that have same "FileName" -> several files output. Default name should probably include number in the selection to differentiate between all the DFSC0001, or better some sort of key such as the hash of the complete filename, which f-spot probably already has for thumbnails). - Wants to implement an output with tags (looks do-able with my limited abilities: if option checked, output miniature icons of the tags like those in the navigational view of s-pot for the medium level HTMLFolder view) - Cannot wait for switch to svn (I cannot manage to find meaningful diffs CVS :-/), and cannot wait for the duplicate and query patches (since the order of output has already being dealt with, I think). Also the "catch tags and comments in pictures when reimporting" one (I'd like to move some pictures around with no retagging, sometimes, but I am one of those people that do not keep their pictures in ~/ Photos/). - Display bug: with 1.1.10, when editing the date, the initial date is still displayed in the navigational view (but the sorting uses the corrected one). - Reached 2000+ photos indexed with 2-8 tags per picture, f-spot still working good. Had one db failure, though. Just retagged the 50 new pictures and everything is fine. - Have no time (Comp. Arch. test to invent for tomorrow), will do next week (or this week-end).


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