Re: Patches that should be in head...

On Wed, 2006-07-19 at 11:13 +0200, Stephane Delcroix wrote:
> Hi list,
> as a reminder, here's a short list of bug fix patches. Most of them are
> one-liners, please commit them in CVS HEAD...

Wow, thank you very much for the list.  the bugs were easy to process
and I've been away so long that tracking them down would have taken a
lot more time.  A couple of them still need work and i committed
slightly different fixes for a few others but they've all been closed or
commented on.

Another huge thank you to you and Thomas for the patches and to everyone
else for the reports and triage.  I've been extremely happy with all the
work everyone has been doing and it really has been helping me out.
If anyone else has pet bugs with straight forward patches feel free to
send them to the list, I'm trying to work through the backlog again.


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