Re: [evolution-patches] new new button

Always the way, i saw a small problem with this patch in the mailer.

It shouldn't be in EMFolderView, that is an abstract class, EMFolderBrowser is where it should go if it were to sit in that class heirarchy.  And actually unless it contains per-view stuff (which it doesn't), it should really just go in MailComponent anyway (and remove a very unrelated cross dependency/abstraction breaker, because MailComponent is the one that sets up the menu, AND implements it, it's got nothing to do with EMFolderView, and MailComponent is already the one driving the activate callback).

Oh well its in now, so i'm going to change the code to do the above.


On Thu, 2004-04-08 at 16:50 -0400, Dan Winship wrote:
These patches redo the "New" button (and File->New submenu) to be
created and managed by each component rather than the shell. (This is
needed to get it to work correctly in Connector, and also moves us a
little bit more towards separate components with no shell.)

It also implements Anna's new item layout (Current component's objects,
current component's "folder" type, separator, other components' object,
separator, other components' "folder" types) and names ("Address book"
-> "Contacts Group", "Task List" -> "Tasks Group").

Also, while doing that, I fixed up the shortcuts to not conflict,
leaving us with:

      * Mail Message (M)
      * Contact (C)
      * Contact List (L)
      * Appointment (A)
      * All-Day Appointment (D)
      * Meeting (E)
      * Task (T)

      * Mail Folder (F)
      * Contacts Group (G)
      * Calendar (R)
      * Tasks Group (S)

The last 3 are new. "G" is ok, but "R" and "S" kinda suck...

Also, "Post" went missing from the mail creatable items list at some
point and needs to be added back...

Michael Zucchi <notzed ximian com>

Ximian Evolution Software Developer

Novell, Inc.

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