Re: [Evolution-hackers] camel eds work progress

Ok, just an update on this.

In the branch i've got camel building in eds.  At the moment i tied the library version name to $BASE_VERSION, the same with the package config name.  I've run everything off the top-level configure rather than doing on in the camel dir - mainly since i don't know how to do cross dependencies like needing libedataserver otherwise (oh, and its simpler).

Even though camel is split, the package-config stuff just lists both libraries - i'm not sure what to do about that, i guess i need a camel-provider.pc too.  Also, not sure how i do lib dependencies with libedataserver, and whether just listing the .la handles that.

Some of the other things i'm not sure about, where to put things, libexec i've put in ${libexecdir}/camel/${BASE_VERSION}, but the includes i've just put in ${privincludedir}/camel instead.  The former can't follow the same .../evolution-data-server-${BASE_VERSION}/ as the headers because, well thats the name of the actual server.  I'm kind of inclined to put the camel headers in its own ${includedir}/camel/${BASE_VERSION}/camel thing, to separate it a bit, but its 6 to one, half a dozen to the other really.  Anyone care?

I removed the installation of the camel provider's headers, they never should've been installed.  And I fixed up camel's 'make check' to hopefully run 'in the build tree' without having to do make install.  I haven't tried any dist type checks though.

I'm running this version now, it seems to be working, although i need to test to make sure its not just using other installed libraries.

Now the next bit, I think Jeff could commit any of his outstanding code to cvs, then JP can copy the camel rcs files across to evolution-data-server/camel, then Jeff can just generate a patch from any changes made after that point when the changes are merged since it wont build until then.  (this is such a pain with timezones).

All my stuff is in cvs, so tonight would be good for me, and it wont affect anything anyway since everything is still on the branches.


On Mon, 2004-11-15 at 17:55 +0800, Not Zed wrote:


Just giving a short progress report on the camel in eds thing.  I've had to make a few decisions along the way and i'm bringing them up here since nobody is ever around on irc when I am.

The story so far:

So the main changes outside of camel itself are just e-util->libedataserver moves, i think everything except mail was already linking to it anyway.

Wow, this sucked.  But it should be nearly there already.  I'm thinking to actually move libcamel to eds, it should be copied on the cvs server, then do everything on the new version only from that point on.  This reqiures some syncing with Jeff, JP, and I most probably - the other modules aren't important.


Michael Zucchi <notzed ximian com>
"Free Software, putting the Free back in Free Market."
Novell's Evolution and Free Software Developer
Michael Zucchi <notzed ximian com>
"Free Software, putting the Free back in Free Market."
Novell's Evolution and Free Software Developer

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