Re: [Evolution-hackers] Turning ESource into a .ics file

I think I've got it, i use e_source_get_uri on the ESource* and then i
copy that file to the destination with gnome-vfs

> Hi Guys,
> I'm trying to implement the Export Calendar feature, and cannot see how
> I can take an ESource pointer and obtain the text for the .ics file
> which i can later export with gnome-vfs
> If someone could point me to what I need to use, or if im completely
> off-track I'd appreciate it.
> Cheers,
> Trent
> Sixlabs
> -- 
> [ Trent "Lathiat" Lloyd  lathi sixlabs org ]/ "You sure as hell shouldn't be   \
> [ tlhIngan Hol Dajatlh'e ]| fingering my toaster" -Linus     |
> [ GPG Key Id: 0x04AB3C5D ]| Torvalds, LCA2003 Speakers dinner|
> [ IPv6 Conference ]\ talking about ipv6 with me       /
> _______________________________________________
> evolution-hackers maillist  -  evolution-hackers lists ximian com

[ Trent "Lathiat" Lloyd  lathi sixlabs org ]/ "You sure as hell shouldn't be   \
[ tlhIngan Hol Dajatlh'e ]| fingering my toaster" -Linus     |
[ GPG Key Id: 0x04AB3C5D ]| Torvalds, LCA2003 Speakers dinner|
[ IPv6 Conference ]\ talking about ipv6 with me       /

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