Hi all,Attached to this email there are to patches: the first one contains the modifications to be applied against evince and the second one to be applied to /usr/share/mime/packages/freedesktop.org.xml inside scratchbox.
To have evince working on maemo platform, follow the steps: 1. Compile and install ghostscript and poppler.2. gnome-doc-utils dependency. I could not compile the last CVS version due libxslt and libxml dependencies so i tried to install the debian package provided by ubuntu. Install fails, but somehow evince configure script does not bother about this package anymore. (???)
3. Apply the patch 2 (patch -p0 < freedesktop.org.xml.diff) 4. run "update-mime-database /usr/share/mime" 5. cd to evince directory. 6. Apply the patch 1 to evince (patch -p0 < evince_maemo.patch) 7. run autogen.sh with --enable-hildon option. 8. make && make install. 9. cd to /usr/share/mime/packages 10. run evince with "run-standalone.sh evince" TODO Items:1. Create stock icons to Rotate Right/Left and View Fullscreen/Presentation actions and insert these actions to the toolbar.
2. Reformulate properties/password dialogs to make them fit in the 770 reduced screen.
Thank you all in advance for the feedback. -- Eduardo de Barros Lima INdT - Instituto Nokia de Tecnologia eduardo lima indt org br
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