Expand/Collapse All feature


   I would like to propose an additional "collapse/expand all" feature
for evince. Currently when opening large PDF files, such as the
j2eetutorial[1], and selecting the index option, the tree has all
top level indices expanded.  This makes nagivation a little harder,
and it would be nice if there was an easy way to expand or collapse
all of the tree.

I'm not very knowledgeable regarding HIG issues, but would an option
in a right-click context menu make sense?  Or would this be better
suited for the "View" menu?

I'm by no means an experienced GNOME hacker, but I can try to hack
up a patch for this.  However, I'd like to get a little discussion going
about where the most appropiate place for this feature is.

I would like to also file a bug/feature request in bugzilla for this.
I assume the GNOME bugzilla is the best place to do this? (I understand
the project used to be hosted at freedesktop)

Thanks for your time,

[1] http://java.sun.com/j2ee/1.4/docs/tutorial/doc/J2EETutorial.pdf

Brent Smith <gnome nextreality net>

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