Re: Unreviewed Patches

Bryan Clark <bclark redhat com> writes:

> I added a new query to the developer page (which isn't showing up just
> yet for some reason).  But I'm sending the link to the list until the
> developer project page updates itself.
> The query give a list of bugs with unreviewed patches.  

Thanks for doing this Bryan.  I gave these a quick look:

> Here the current going list:
> 170110        Wrong cursor after full screen


> 170111        Toolbar in fullscreen mode doesn't respect Btoolbar
> settings

I don't understand why we're overriding this to begin with.  Marco, do
you know the history of this line?

> 171068        F1 for Help would be more consistent than Ctrl+H,

Applied.  However, we don't seem to actually have any docs to show.  I
suppose the UI is still changing a lot.

> 167477        Find bar doesn't need to have a close button


> 171004        drag to scroll

Not sure about this one.  I need to read the patch closer.

> 165120        wishlist-spacebar scrolling

Applied, though I had to clean it up a bit.

> 17157        File/Open should display thumbnails

Holding off on this as fer is rewriting it to go into GTK+ proper.

> 166564        printing doesn't respect the layout setting in gnomeprint

This is a gnome-print bug, right?

Also, I applied a patch to make it build with builddir != srcdir

I think we should probably look into making a new (unstable) release of
evince on Monday.  We can suggest people who want something that's more
stable stick with 0.1.9, but I'd like to see a release that tries out
the threaded code.

Before we release, we need to fix the find code to be less buggy.  This
might take another few (small) changes to ev_document.h, but Kristian
and I know how to fix it.  Is there anything else that needs landing


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