pyphany and strange caching

I have a rather strange problem. Using pyphany to try to create an
Epiphany extension I have problems getting Epiphany to run the code
that's actually in the files in the filesystem.

For development purposes I use links from
/usr/lib/epiphany-1.6/extensions (root is required to write there) to my
home dir.

I've split my extension into several parts. One part is the extension
that Epiphany loads, (it has a corresponding my_ext.xml). The
other part is a few files making up a module, stored in a directory:

 /usr/lib/epiphany-1.6/extensions/ -> /home/me/prog/
	my_ext.xml -> /home/prog/my_ext.xml
	my_lib -> /home/prog/my_lib/


I have a problem with making changes to files in my_lib. It seems
Epiphany doesn't care about the fact that changes have been made. This
manifests itself in the way that I get exceptions on lines that don't
exist, or are empty. Shutting down Epiphany and re-starting it doesn't

Ubuntu Hoary with
ii  epiphany-brows 1.6.1-0ubuntu2 Intuitive GNOME web browser

What's going on here?


Magnus Therning                    (OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4)
magnus therning org

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