[Ekiga-devel-list] [IDEA] Connect button


here is an idea of something which could be done in the signal-callback approach : a connect button.

(1) It would be a GtkButton, decorated with the usual connection icons but would update itself automatically :
- when going into a call, it would take the connected form
- when going out of a call, it would take the unconnected form again.

As is, this could be used for the main window.

(2) Now we could imagine the same object could be associated with an uri. This time, the button would take the connected form only when ekiga is connected to that uri, and gray itself when connected to another uri.

Now, this could be put into the chat windows, to reflect whether we are in a call with that contact, can call her/him, or can't.

I still have to check that when we call sip:500 ekiga net, the call doesn't get "sip:" as attached uri, which would make (2) quite difficult to make work right.

Does that look good ?


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