bug-buddy and your frequently duplicated bugs (how to reduce your bugzilla spam!)

The list of bugs that bug-buddy shows has been woefully out-of-date
for a long time.  So, instead of using the manual method of requiring
people to add the bugbuddy keyword to bugs, we now instead
automatically generate a list of the 20 bugs that have been the most
frequently duplicated in the last month.

Unfortunately, there's one thing we can't automate: setting the
Summary of such bugs to something meaningful for bug-buddy users.  We
(the bugsquad) will try to look out for bugs that need retitling, but
(a) maintainers may be better suited to summarizing some bugs, and (b)
we didn't seem to do so well with the bugbuddy keyword so I'm not so
confident we'll be on top of this either.

So please take a look at any frequently duplicated bugs you may have
and try to set the title to something useful for bug-buddy users.  You
can find a list of the most duplicated bugs in the last month at
http://bugzilla.gnome.org/reports/recent-mostfrequent.cgi -- many of
which could use improved summaries.  (For the curious: bug-buddy just
uses the top 20 from this report; however, unlike this report,
bug-buddy shows the product and component but doesn't show the number
of duplicates, status, or resolution).


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