Hey. Mike Hearn and I would like to propose notification-daemon and libnotify for inclusion in GNOME 2.10. These two are the client and server implementations for the Desktop Notifications spec being proposed at freedesktop.org: http://galago.sourceforge.net/specs/notification/ The spec seems to have growing interest by a number of parties, and we hope to make it a formal specification at freedesktop.org soon. For the time being, there is no site URLs for these modules. Only SVN trees and the spec. This will change hopefully soon. ---- Name: libnotify Description: libnotify is a convenience library for sending notifications according to the fd.o desktop notifications specification. Applications using libnotify will produce notifications that look correct on any desktop environment that supports the specification. Subversion URL: http://svn.freedesktop.org/galago/trunk/libnotify/ API documentation exists in the form of Doxygen comments in libnotify: http://galago.sourceforge.net/docs/api/libnotify/ Localization, accessibility, and usability shouldn't be a concern with this library. ---- Name: notification-daemon Description: notification-daemon is the service that listens to desktop notification requests and displays them. It implements nearly everything in the desktop notifications spec, and the rest is in the works. It is currently usable, and because of the spec, any application that uses libnotify or similar will display gtk2 popups in GNOME using this daemon. Subversion URL: http://svn.freedesktop.org/galago/trunk/notification-daemon/ Localization shouldn't be a factor, though accessibility help would be appreciated. ---- Thanks, Christian -- Christian Hammond <> The Galago Project chipx86 gnupdate org <> http://galago.sourceforge.net/ There's always free cheese in a mousetrap.
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