Re: Plans for 2.8 - GNOME Managed Language Services?

On Sun, 2004-03-28 at 04:31, Miguel de Icaza wrote:
> Hello,
> > It gets more interesting when memory becomes an issue. Managed code
> > tends to consume large amounts of memory because the garbage collection
> > is usually a very low priority thread so as to not affect performance
> > too severely. However when memory runs low, the priority of the garbage
> > collection thread is usually increased to compensate - thats when
> > performance can take a big hit - you either end up in swap or garbage
> > collection consumes much more cpu. These memory issues have plagued
> > managed code in the past and contributed to the downfall of Java OS. I
> > would like to know how Mono compares in this respect.
> As I mentioned before, one big advantage that the ECMA CLI has over the
> JVM is that they support "value types".
> Value types are your ints, your longs, your byte blobs and they are
> equivalent to C "structs".  That means that there is no object
> overhead.  Arrays of value types are contiguous in memory and these
> guys can live on the stack.

I guess your the expert here, but I'm fairly sure that the JVM does this
too. If you pass an int value to a method, it's not going to be
converted to an Object. Maybe Mono allows you to define new value types,
or maybe you are talking about the equivalent of C++ copy-by-value for

Murray Cumming
murrayc murrayc com

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