Re: Metacity changes to paint ARGB window titles correctly

Around 17 o'clock on Jun 19, Havoc Pennington wrote:

> Looks pretty gross. ;-)


> One a quick read and looking at how gtk_style_attach() works, your patch
> is going to create a whole lot of copies of GtkStyle that are exactly
> the same.

Hmm. My reading was that everyone would share the same style, except for 
the windows with different colormaps.  The obvious hack would be to have a 
list of colormap/visual/style sets in the frames and walk that when 
creating the frame -- that would also share colormaps, which seems like a 
good idea as well.

> 1. Make a MetaFrames per-visual
> 2. Make a GtkStyle per-visual

I think style per visual will create far fewer changes and long-term 
maintenence problems.

> My only misgiving here is unhappiness about poking crap into 
> widget->style under GTK's nose (a feature your current patch also has);
> so to use this approach I think we need to ask Owen or Matthias if it's
> going to work.

I'm not sure this is required; the drawing code currently wants a widget
and a drawable, but I don't see why that can't be changed to a frame, with
the frame pointing at the right style -- I don't see any place where it 
actually uses the widget other than to get the style.

My hack (admittedly gross) should not be permitted to survive...

Oh, there are additional painting problems remaining with other themes; 
I'll see if I can't figure out what's up.


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