Re: PROPOSAL : Integrating system tools in GNOME

On Thu, Jun 03, 2004 at 07:21:08PM -0400, Sean Middleditch wrote:
> Why would any of those distros want to chuck out all 
> their existing perfectly good tools?  Red Hat has no interest in 
> switching to YaST, SuSE doesn't want system-config-*, GNOME doesn't plan 
> on including either, and so on.

I disagree on two points.  Firstly there is an incentive for the
distros to use a shared set of tools.  There is a fair amount of
work involved developing and maintaining the tools.  There have
definitely been feelers form the various distros to think about
sharing more of the workload.

Additionally, I don't see any reason Gnome could not absorb some of
the existing tools.  The freshly GPLed YaST has an enormous amount
of stuff in it.  It may be less work to add a gtk front end than to
replicate all of that infrastructure.

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