Re: who gets in and why, aka the GNOME Desktop inclusion criteria

On Tue, 2002-08-27 at 02:53, Luis Villa wrote:
> *UI: 
> the hackers should cooperate as much as possible with the UI team to
> improve the general usability of the app. This might be expected to
> minimally include (but is certainly not limited to) UI issues like GNOME
> look and feel, HIG compliance, careful choice of default settings, and
> clean interface design. [HIG is at
> ]

> Anyway, so, that's what we're thinking :) hope it clarifies things a
> bit. Comments and thoughts, as always, welcome.


please allow my comment on this criteria. i followed the discussion
about the HIG for a couple of days now. i read the replies of the kde
usability team on their mailinglist and finally there are my own
personal opinion about things.

as much as i like gnome 2 there are still some issues with it that i
personally don't like. as you may read the kde people's opinion, one of
the worst decission is the button re-ordering which i personally don't
like in gnome 2 now.

personally i use computers for over 22 years now. this includes systems
like amiga (till 1996), windows, os2 and linux. last named one is my
default system after i left the amiga system. i can says myself that i
look back to a long year of practical experience with these systems (as
probably many others here do too). personally in all the years i am
using a GUI like system i am used to the button ordering as they were
(are) used on amigaos, windows, kde and gnome 1.4. i am finding myself
totally confused the first time i used gnome 2.0 with these new arranged
buttons. to say it i am not really happy with that. i heard many
arguments from different people in the gnome channel who said that this
way is the correct way. unfortunately i need to agree to some of the kde
peoples replies which contained sentences like 'correct way of whom'. i
realized over the time that a lot of people who are working with gnome
and on gnome are people that also use macintosh with macosx. so i can
understand why they think this is the right way. personally i see this
different so i don't share this opinion. look at all the applications
outside. apps that are written already, apps that probably won't get
maintained anymore but we still need to deal with. gnome 2 will
practically explode like a bomb if it continues behaving that way.

as far as i understand it is that seth is trying to get the kde people
used to the HIG and that there are plans to use one standard HIG for
both desktops so we (the users) are getting consistences over both

but what about the users ?...

i am quite sure that there are a lot of gnome 2 users out, that probably
share my opinion here. many of these users are happy gnome 1.4 users and
probably many of them are still using it because it is cool. over time i
talked with many people about gnome 2 where many pointed out different
things (including the new buttonorder) besides other stuff that they
don't like.

look i really like gnome 2. i also like a consistent gnome which has
pixel exact layout of buttons etc. i am also willing to take limitations
from things that i was used to for many years. i am also trying to
contribute myself to the gnome community by helping with my abillities.
but i don't like to be enforced to follow the HIG. following the HIG is
like saying "i agree with everything in it... which i don't".

please excuse if i write my thoughts about it that way. i also hope you
don't mark this as "don't feed the trolls". in the past i often realized
that opinions of others (primarily outstanding persons) that do not
reflect the opinions of those working ON gnome will be marked that way.

maybe we wait what come out with the discussion between the kde people
and the gnome people.. in the comming weeks, maybe there are chances
that some stuff in the HIG get changed again.

thank you for reading my opinion,

ali akcaagac

Name....: Ali Akcaagac
Status..: Student Of Computer & Economic Science
E-Mail..: mailto:ali akcaagac stud fh-wilhelmshaven de

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