Re: .desktop -> bugzilla

On Wed, 2002-08-14 at 21:17, jacob berkman wrote:
> > How do you map program name -> desktop file?
> well bug-buddy knows the app, and can look at the command in the
> .desktop file.
> all it'll do is select the one it thinks is right - the user will get a
> list of apps
> (
> instead of products (although they can switch between application and
> product view).

It'll show the list instead of just skipping directly to the component
view? That's OK by me, presuming it makes it fairly clear 'the trace
came from app X- we've already selected that for you, please just hit
next' or something like that. The fewer screens someone has to think
about (or at least the fewer they think much about) probably the better.


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