Re: [Deskbar] FlatListUI progressions

On Wed, 2006-02-08 at 00:17 +0100, Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen wrote:
> Here's the latest progress on FlatListUI. Extract tarball in toplevel
> deskbar source dir. ~/Projects/deskbar-applet for me...
> To watch it in action you have to manually hardwire it in
> As usual there is a KNOWN ISSUES in the top of containing
> a few issues. But the UI is more or less fully functional.
> What is missing is polish, testing, maybe some refactoring/code sharing
> with Cuemiac, polish, and testing. And did I mention polish and testing?

OMG i fear there is a terrible misunderstanding here, i hope it won't be
very prejudiciable !

When i asked wether you could make this, i had in mind: using the
entry-mode of completion UI (ie. entry in panel with icon in entry),
with the cuemiac drop-down (categories, etc).

What you've done is using the completion ui entry-mode, but you used an
emulation of gtkEntryCompletion as dropdown, this is not what i

I'm sorry if this causes confusion, havoc and other related problems,
please forgive me !


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