Summary of people whoz hacking what in/around beagle ;)

Hi Guys,

Here is the summary of people (to my knowledge and through #dashboard)
whoz hacking what in things related to beagle.

Thought this would help us know each other of what we are doing
in/related to beagle and may help new contributors to pick the ones that
is not picked by others, just to avoid redundancy. ;)

1) mike_douglas 	- Abiword filter.
2) lewing		- image filter.
3) varadhan		- source code and microsoft formats filter.
4) Adam (not an IRC nick)- Audio/video files filter.
5) protactin		- HTML filter (extracting meta data out of html files) and
tomboy indexer
6) clement		- firefox bookmarks 

7) chipx86     - galago#
8) joe (Shaw??) - dashboard (with beagle backend)
9) trow		- Complete beagle man ;)

I might have missed other beagle dudes, please fill-in your names.

I think a summary like this once in a month will help us organize our
beagle work properly.  

Dudes, what do you think???


V. Varadhan.

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