Re: [Banshee-List] iTunes, banshee and DAAP

I don't have the setup to test it on now, but I used to (a few months ago) run banshee on a linux box, itunes on a windows box, OpenVPN'd the windows box into the network that the linux box is in and it worked great.

OpenVPN is a pure IP tunnel - you can do whatever over an OpenVPN connection that you can do over a regular IP connection. Thus, mDNS and anything else will work :) Michi - just hit up and read - it's far from hard to set up a quick vpn :)

Wish I could shed some more light on the subject. Have you tried verifying that DAAP is working properly? Maybe try using Tangerine and various DAAP browser software to see if you can see your own shares? I don't have much knowledge on the DAAP subject, other than I know it'll work over a VPN :)

For more info on DAAP, Tangerine, and maybe a test util or two, check out

Good luck,


Patrick "Trick" van Staveren

----- Message from infernux web de ---------
    Date: Fri, 28 Jul 2006 16:28:40 +0200
    From: Michael Monreal <infernux web de>
Reply-To: banshee-list gnome org
 Subject: Re: [Banshee-List] iTunes, banshee and DAAP
      To: banshee-list gnome org

I am running banshee on computer 1 (FC 5, banshee from cvs), together
with an openvpn-server. I am connected to it from computer 2 (Win XP,
iTunes 6.0.5) over openvpn. I can telnet from computer 2 to computer 1,
port 3689. But iTunes does not find the share from banshee. The XP
firewall is turned off, no firewall on the linux machine. The other way
round (iTunes share in banshee) is also not visible.

This is something I wanted to have, too... but is mdns really supposed to
work over a vpn? I think that won't work, but please, prove me wrong and
tell me what I have to do to get it working =)


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