Re: [Banshee-List] AlbumArt Plugin - 0.1


Something even more usefull would be something along the lines of what amaroK does when a new song starts. It displays a small popup with the albumart, name of song, length of song. In this way banshee could be minimized but you'd get a small visual indication of what's playing. For people who like to shuffle music this would be great.

Greetings, yet again!

I've released version 0.1 of a new plugin for Banshee, AlbumArt.  AlbumArt
displays the album's cover artwork in a popup window.  You can currently
configure the size of the popup, time unti it hides, location, and whether
or not it sticks to the desktop as the viewport changes. Screenshots are on
the website.

Info, download, screenshots, and ChangeLog here:

Leo Utskot
Copyleft M�co

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