Re: [Banshee-List] Ubuntu Breezy Packages


Your packages do not follow the proper naming conventions. They should
match exactly what is already in breezy to avoid problems. For
example, since you have only a single package for "libipoddevice" you
might find that your system also has "libipoddevice0" and
"libipoddevice-dev" installed, which are of a different version.

I have also created backported packages that (hopefully!) use the
correct naming policy:

You will also notice that I included '' in the name, which
is important so users can tell the difference between official and
unofficial packages, and so any official backports will take higher
priority on a user's system.


On 11/17/05, Lukasz Halman <lukasz halman vlo gda pl> wrote:
> Hi
> I've built latest banshee for Ubuntu Breezy. Packages are available
> here:
>         deb ./
> I'm using non-standard mono packages from:
>         deb ./
> I hope it will help some of you. ;-)
> By the way I have two questions:
> 1. What is the best/preferred way to submit bugs?
> 2. I own 4G ipod. It contains lots of music uploaded with gtkpod, and
> lots of playlists ofcourse. Banshee shows that music to me, but not the
> playlists. Am I missing something? Can I create playlist on ipod with
> banshee? What about on-the-go playlists?
> 3. Is automatic 'Sync iPod with banshee library' the only
> synchronisation option?
> thx
> L.
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