Re: SIG32/SIGSEGV in balsa 2.1.2

Am 2004.04.28 16:20 schrieb(en) tn fenster:
> Peter Bloomfield wrote:
>> > But the problem that new mails don't appear remains :-( When I
>> > check mails, balsa says X mails received and the unread count
>> > is set correctly, but the mails won't appear until the next
>> > start
>> Is it a display sync problem?  Try opening another mailbox, to
>> hide the index for the one that should be showing the new mail,
>> then go back and expose it again.
> Pawel Salek wrote:
>> Is that gtk+2.4? If this happens to you agian, try clicking on the
>> message index and pressing End key. This _may_ help (or may not).
> It is gtk+ 2.4.0. Unfortunately nothing helped to make the new email  
> show up. Closing and reopening balsa seems to be the only way for my  
> setup...

for me it works most of the times when I press "next unread"...


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