Why is my send button permanently greyed out (I can't send mail!)?

Dear all,

This is my first post. 

I've checked the FAQ, looked through the recent archives (2003)
and searched deja.com. I haven't found any solution to my problem.

In an ancient post (2001, I believe) on usenet, someone mentioned,
that balsa checks to see if certain fields are filled out, before
it activates the send button.

I haven't been groping around in the source at all (I mean, in a
mature client such as balsa, I really shouldn't have to?) 

Could anyone offer any insights to as why in the name of Faidros
my send button stays greyed out, effectively keeping me from
utilizing balsa for half of it's main purpose (sending mail...)?

I'm using gentoo linux and balsa ver 2.0.9-r1. If necessary,
I will gladly offer further details about the compile-flags, etc.

I hope someone will be able to help me out - I've been pulling
my hair out for a couple of days now...

(this post was sent with mutt, btw.)



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