Re: [Q] Send functions oddness

On 2002.09.12 17:31:07 +0100 Emmanuel wrote:
> Le 12.09.2002 12:00, Carlos Morgado a écrit :
>> On 2002.09.12 16:58:03 +0100 Emmanuel wrote:
>>>> we have a global format=flowed parameter, it's not per-message
>>> Yes but if you queue one mail and the you change enconding or flow 
>>> parameter in your prefs, what do we do when we send the queued mails? And 
>>> yes I agree, this is not a big issue ;-)
>> we use the new preference :) it's a err feature :)
> BTW could you explain to me and the audience of the list how 
> libbalsa_create_msg works please. And widerly, could you tell us how we 
> copy a libbalsa message to have its libmutt counterpart that we can use in 
> libmutt function (eg in mutt_write_fcc).

libbalsa_create_msg creates a libmutt style messsage. most of it is a
rather convoluted cicle noone should be forced to read to convert the
libbalsa bodies to libmutt bodies. it takes care of the base64 and
general encoding stuff. the rest is pretty straightforward.
most of the magic is done in message2HEADER which does the parsing of
the text headers.

i don't know if i understand the rest of the question, libbalsa_message_queue
has an example of libbalsa message -> libmutt message and using write_fcc on
Carlos Morgado - chbm(at)chbm(dot)nu - -- gpgkey: 0x1FC57F0A FP:0A27 35D3 C448 3641 0573 6876 2A37 4BB2 1FC5 7F0A
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