Re: listing To: vs. From: in mailboxes

On 2002.12.02 13:01 Bryan Butler wrote:
> hi all,
> in the Sentbox, the 'From' column is replaced by a 'To' column
> (in the main window).
> i would like to get this behavior on other mailboxes.  is there
> a way to do that?

Not at present--that's hard-coded for Sentbox, Draftbox, and 
Outbox. It certainly makes sense, though: any mailbox that holds 
a lot of copies of outgoing mail could benefit from that option.

One version I played with was having the column cycle through 
To/ascending, To/descending, From/ascending, From/descending, 
instead of just toggling ascending/descending, when you click on 
the header. The initial setting is To/ascending for those three 
special mailboxes, and From/ascending otherwise. Another 
possibility would be to have a popup menu attached to the column 
header to select To/From, with the same initialization. I believe 
we're already heading in the direction of having a config file 
section for each mailbox, so the state of the column could even 
be saved between sessions.

Any thoughts about the best way to handle this?


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