Re: libESMTP 0.8

On Thu, 14 June 12:15 Pawel Salek wrote:

| I just wonder: is there any reason this is disabled by default? I
| mean:
| considering the fact that balsa is one of the major programs using
| libesmtp, it would be just more convinent to have it enabled by
| default?
| Does it break some design goals, or?

A few factors are relevant.

0.8.0 is a major release, having both internal changes and API
changes.  I figured those who were wary of this would stick with
0.7.4 for the time being.

I don't intend for there to be a 0.9 release if I can help it, i.e.
only bug fixes for the forseeable future (I desperately need time
to work on documentation, web site, bug-tracking and mailing lists,
for example).  I don't want to change the defaults on configuration
options between minor releases so it happened now.

I regard smtp_option_require_all_recipients() as deprecated.  My
reasoning has been discussed previously on this list.  Unless
there is an overwhelming reason to keep it, it will be removed in
version 0.9 (if there ever is one) or 1.0.

I'm about to start work on the Balsa interface again, with a view
to removing the need for the require-all-recipeints hack.  Once
this is done, Balsa will no longer require this API in any case.


To date libESMTP is entirely a one man project and all my free
time is consumed by it, much to my wife's chagrin.  Although I've
had many problem reports from a number of sources, I get no assistance
with coding or pre-release testing.  As a result there are bound to
be omissions and oversights, some of which will inconvenience somebody.
Tough.  I would like to get a life again; so unless others are actively
contributing to libESMTP they will have to put up with the decisions
I make.  Had there been another open source library that achieves
what libESMTP does, I would never have started on this work - there
is only so much coding I can do for the good of the soul.

Frankly, snide comments and torrents of abuse such as those seen
on the list this morning do nothing to encourage me to improve the
Balsa interface.  There are enough other developers using libESMTP
who have been constructive in their comments, so I know the project
is worthwhile to continue.  However, I do not feel very motivated
to solve the outstanding problems with Balsa right now.  If someone
else wishes to take on that mantle, I will offer them whatever guidance
I can.  Otherwise, I will do what I can as time and motivation permit.
It would be disappointing if Balsa stopped using libESMTP but if I
am to be abused with tirades of profanity for my efforts, I have no
intention of making Balsa a high priority in future.  I will
concentrate my effort in future where it is appreciated, after all
this is the only reward available for writing free software.

| /pawel

Brian Stafford

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