Brian still need your help...

Hi Brian,
  I'm having some problems... You told me to use the functions
smtp_message_get/set_application_data to fetch the length of
the message already transferred to the server...
...well the function smtp_message_get_application_data,
returns a pointer to a void...

| From libesmtp-0.8.3/smtp-api.c
| [...]
| void *
| smtp_message_get_application_data (smtp_message_t message)
| [...]

Well, I really don't know how to handle that pointer? Is it
a pointer to a struct?
Is there a way to get the length like this:

| void *point;
| point = smtp_message_get_application_data (message);
| percent = point->len;

obviously point should be a pointer to a struct and not to a void...

Please tell me how to get the size of the message already sent,
i really can't find a way to fetch it...
I looked deeply into your code, but didn't find how to do it.

I'm sorry for wasting your time...
but please help me, i really miss the progress bar in balsa...


|        riccardo persichetti        |
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|              |

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