Re: LDAP addressbook

On 2001.07.16 17:28 Heber Farnsworth wrote:
> I can't get the LDAP addressbook to work.  I compiled 1.1.7 with
> --enable-ldap and I entered the LDAP server information just as in
> Netscape (where it works).  Basically I just specify the server and
leave the
> search root blank.  When I try to open this addressbook in Balsa I
get the
> following popup error
> Failed to do a search: Administrative limit exceededCheck that the
> base name is valid
> Has anyone got this to work?

Yeah, I use it daily. I have seen the problem you're looking at
though...and think that it's giving the error because there are simply
"too many" replies from the ldap server. I don't know if this is a
balsa or OpenLDAP problem. I suspect that it's Balsa, since OpenLDAP
will reply with a HUGE list via the command line.

My LDAP server is structured in a heirarchal fashion, so I simply
pointed my search root to one of the branches rather than the base of
the tree. Thereby, reducing the "hits".

I'm suprised that the LDAP address book works the way that it does. It
actually loads the WHOLE tree FIRST, then as you type a name, it
searches through the tree. Instead of the way that Eudora etc. handle
it: You type your search string first...then it queries the server for
that string only. If I knew *anything* about hacking/coding, I'd work
on this...but alas, I'm only a (dumb) user.

Eric Dexter

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