Balsa 1.1.7 having trouble w/ mbox parsing?

I upgraded to balsa 1.1.7 yesterday. Since then, I have not been able to
read my mail through balsa. My mail is simple mbox format files residing
on an NFS filesystem.

Symtom: When I select a message in the message list, balsa loads the
message, detects the format and outputs the bottom "parts" section and
the top "header" section of the preview pane, but the center "text"
section of the preview pane is blank. No text, no widget, nothing. Just empty.

If I click the reply button, all I get is the header line; the text in the
original message is not quoted, so I suppose that this problem is located
where balsa parses the text part of the message.

I run balsa on a RedHat 7.1 box. Upgraded using RPMS 1.1.6 to
1.1.7 yesterday. Running w/ swedish locale, so some output is in swedish
(sorry for that, but I guess you guys can figure it out...)

If I run balsa in debug mode, this is what I get after starting it from
the command line, select two messages from the 'root' mailbox in the
'system'  folder and then exit balsa: (non-relevant text removed for
brevity, comments in [] added for clarity)

Opening 58 mailboxes on startup.
Lokal mapp /home/users/judge/mail/system
Lokala brevlådan root inläst som: LibBalsaMailboxMbox
open_mailboxes_idle_cb: opening root => 0x815c1b8..
Message: 137015040, 0, POP3:
Message: 143245232, 0, Local Mail
Message: 147586952, 4, Finished
[done loading]
[select a message in 'root' folder]
part: text
[select next message in 'root' folder]
part: text
[closing balsa]
Mailbox: root Ref: 1
libbalsa_mailbox_real_close: 0 trial failed.
libbalsa_mailbox_real_close: 1 trial failed.
libbalsa_mailbox_real_close: 2 trial failed.
libbalsa_mailbox_real_close: 3 trial failed.
libbalsa_mailbox_real_close: 97 trial failed.
libbalsa_mailbox_real_close: 98 trial failed.
libbalsa_mailbox_real_close: 99 trial failed.
libbalsa_mailbox_real_close: changes to root lost.

Anyone else got the same problem? (or a solution)

  // J - using pine...

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