(no subject)

On 2001-04-26 00:30 hayward@slothmud.org wrote:
> > I work for a corporation with a very large ldap server. (approx 80,000
> > employees).  I get size limit exceeded whenever I try to use ldap
> > support.
> > Is this an issue with balsa or the underlying ldap libraries?  If it
> > is related to balsa, do you expect it to be resolved?

> This is what actually the ldap library returns (or perhaps it is even
> generated on server, I don't know).=20
> What we could in principle do in balsa would be to generate the LDAP
> queries in a smarter way to limit the number of hits. I guess. This is
> the only thing that comes to my mind.

Rather than listing all entries upon opening th address book, if balsa
used the entry field for defining the LDAP query and list only those
entries that matched the 'cn' attribute (maybe this should be defineable
as well).

CHeers, jerry
   /\  Gerald (Jerry) Carter                     Professional Services
 \/    http://www.valinux.com/  VA Linux Systems   gcarter@valinux.com
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       http://www.plainjoe.org/                     jerry@plainjoe.org

       "...a hundred billion castaways looking for a home."
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