Re: crash / sending mail / text widgets

Hmm, I wonder if I might actually know what's happening. You don't
remember, by any chance, if you were sending messages at the time, do you?

I caught one potential problem with mail sending and the multi-threaded
mail retrieval, but the fix depended on the multi-threaded code I was
working on for sending.  To make a long story short, I didn't want to
commit that stuff until Hector was done (by the way, should I do this

It might not hurt to go through and check to make sure that send.c locks
the Sentmail mailbox when it copies mail there, etc..

BTW, I have been playing around with text widgets and here is what I've
come up with.

The three we can use are GtkText (currently in use) GtkExText (which we've
talked about w/ the author :) ) , and GtkEditor.  Currently, GtkText is
being replaced and I caught Owen on IRC -- he explicitly asked me not to
try to extend it to support "normal" text-editor-style cursor movements. I
could write my own widget based on GtkText, but it's a bit convoluted.  
GtkExText doesn't have word wrap although it does look nice, and GtkEditor
is more directly focussed on 'code' editing.

What would you think about an option for alternate editor?  I imagine a
button on the composition window that would launch pico, emacs, etc,
(possibly in a ZvtTerm Widget), make the text widget not sensitive, then
re-load the text widget with the edited (tmp) file when the widget with
pico/emacs/etc. is destroyed.


On Sun, 5 Dec 1999, Mike Palczewski wrote:

> I had two instances of balsa opened and automatic e-mail checking enabled.
> I had a crash.  sorry no stack trace.  probably something to do with
> the locking code.
> Mike
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