Re: release soon? (fwd)

Wow - 'speak of the devil'... :)

> There is no line wrap support and there is no plans to implement it.
> (if no other implements it ofcource :-)
> IMHO its better to implement a function like 
> gtk_extext_line_set_max(gint maxline) 
> this means extext inserts '/n' character if a line is to long.

This solves the problem with movement within the widget, but I wonder if
it doesn't substitute one problem for another.  For instance, what happens
if you write a long paragraph then decide to split it in the middle?  Does
the widget automatically recalculate the line breaks or are you stuck with
oddly broken lines?

For the longer term I might be willing to look at it and see if I couldn't
add something like word wrap. (I was thinking of doing something to change
GtkText's cursor movement, but adding to GtkExText seems to have more

> Another thing GtkExText has better Property/Higlight API support this
> means it is possible to click on a textsegment to execute a html
> link/or what else.
> The only problem I see is that you cannot display pictures directly in
> the widget.

This shouldn't be a problem with the composition window (I think).

> If someone is intrested I could do a special test version for balsa.
> else checkout
> Greats
> MikeH

I'm glad you saw the message and decided to respond!


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