[Ekiga-list] EKIGA locks using video, when connected to xmeeting

Stefan Bruens lurch at gmx.li
Mon Jan 29 12:37:23 UTC 2007

Am Montag, 29. Januar 2007 08:54 schrieb Damien Sandras:
> Hi,
> Le dimanche 28 janvier 2007 à 18:15 -0500, Stuart Hodges a écrit :
> > Hi,
> >
> >         Well :
> > > grep -i version debout4Email
> >
> > 2007/01/28 16:30:29.073   0:03.011             ekiga    Ekiga version
> > 2.0.3 2007/01/28 16:30:29.074   0:03.011             ekiga    OPAL
> > version 2.3.1 2007/01/28 16:30:29.074   0:03.011             ekiga   
> > PWLIB version 1.11.1
> >
> >         Both the opal and pwlib RPM's are from suse 10.2.
> >
> >         Opal 2.3.1-30
> >         PWLIB 1.11-27
> >
> >         They both contain (from yast software manager) :
> >
> > Vendor: SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany
> >
> >         So do you suggest I pull the source and rebuild the three.
> Ah yes. Now I can really shout : SUSE SUCKS!
> I'm sorry for the troll, but every time we are doing a release, they are
> doing something more stupid.
> This time they took out a random CVS tarball to package a release.

Sorry Damien, but I think you are wrong here, and you are acting, yes, like a 

Opal 2.3.1 is not a random CVS version, it has been tagged as a development 
release, and as such should have had at least some quality checks. If not, it 
should not have been tagged at all.

2.2.4 has been released only a short time ago, and it contains many fixes 
which have been in 2.3.1 much earlier, so from some point of view, 2.3.1 can 
be considered more stable than 2.2.2 (Never forget distribution time 

Ekiga is not the only program depending on Opal/PWLib, so when one of these 
programs needs a feature of a newer library version, you either have to patch 
the program or the library, or ship multiple library versions, multiplying 
the maintenance burden for these packages.

And last, even shipping a CVS snapshot does not mean it has not been tested 
thoroughly. Just because Ekiga hangs under some circumstances, this does not 
mean it is related to this particular library version - you know how many 
buggy video drivers and broken routers are out there.

For me, the shipped versions have worked quite fine, with and without video, 
and I am using ekiga for most of my landline calls, so I cant see any problem 

So please, lets stop behaving like kindergarten kids and try to analyze where 
the problem lies.


Stefan Brüns  /  Kastanienweg 6 - Zimmer 1206  /  52074 Aachen
mailto:lurch at gmx.li  http://www.kawo1.rwth-aachen.de/~lurchi/
   phone: +49 241 169-4206     mobile: +49 160 3797725
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