[Planner] Planner compile failure: You must have XML::Parser installed

When I try to compile planner, it fails with the following message.

Making all in mime
make[3]: Entering directory `/src3/sitka/9.1/pub/planner/planner-0.11/data/mime' LC_ALL=C ../../intltool-merge ../../po planner.keys.in planner.keys -k -u -c ../../po/.intltool-merge-cache
You must have XML::Parser installed to run ../../intltool-merge

System: Slackware 9.1 running 2.6.1 kernel from kernel.org. Gnome libraries

Xml packages installed:

-rw-r--r--    1 root     root         2940 Feb  6 04:14 libxml-1.8.17-i386-1
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 10197 Nov 21 05:52 libxml2-2.5.11-i486-2

I am a newcomer to this environment, and would appreciate any help.
Please be kind enough to mail directly to jgcc pacbell net
Thank you,


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