Re: [Gimp-user] Giving up on GIMP

i have had the sames problem, could not load the brushes for using several
times. I unistalled Gimp several times and loaded from the new
stable version for my windows 10. Now suddenly the brushes appeared. But I
am not sure I could create new brushes and save them. I did not try till
now. Sorry but I don't know the reason why before it does not work. I have
had before loaded from and from chip website

claudia wiebe

fa-flyingalone <forums gimpusers com> schrieb am Mi., 30. Okt. 2019 23:06:


This is my last resort before giving up on gimp.

Why? because I cannot restore brushes. I click on the brush select
and just see blank thumbnails. I have searched online and followed all
the tips I can find in the internet to fix the problem. The two
folders I should have are present and both contain files. I have
completely uninstalled and cleared all program remnants and
it - still no brushes.

I am all out of ideas now.

I am obviously not alone with this problem so if anyone knows how to
it please, please tell the world - otherwise Gimp is junk.


At first thought it could be a tags issue but since you are getting the
thumbnails ?

strange that there blank thumbnail very strange, I would have thought that
brushes would be there or not be there, blank thumbnails sounds a bit
that's why details are needed.

I reckon that a least one screenshot would be of help and as stated by the
people posting previously

some specific details about the environment that you and Gimpster work in,
by this I guess you are on windows
"This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software"
Could you tell us What version windows and where did you get Gimp from,

btw who else or where else did you see this problem, links be good too.

Don't forget the 'screenshots and details'   so these nice people donating
free time can help you solve this,

fa-flyingalone (via
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