Re: [Evolution-hackers] MAPI support of Evo and Windows port

On Tue, 2009-07-14 at 19:23 +0200, Kálmán "KAMI" Szalai wrote:
> Hi Evolution Gurus,
> I am really interested in MAPI support of Evolution. What is the status
> of MAPI plugin. Is it possible to use Exchange 2007/AD contact list. If
> the answer is yes, how? Should we configure Samba 4 (Alpha 6) to connect
> the Domain? Do you have a guide to setup?
> Also do you know about ongoing efforts of MAPI port to Windows. We are
> interested in running Evo on Windows with Exchange 2007 server. What is
> the status of the port, and how can we help?

Can you give references for this ?

> Best regards,
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> Evolution-hackers mailing list
> Evolution-hackers gnome org

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