Re: [Evolution-hackers] ssl always/when-possible/never etc proposal

On Wed, 2004-08-25 at 10:43 +0800, Not Zed wrote:
On Tue, 2004-08-24 at 12:12 -0400, JP Rosevear wrote:
> Security: None / TLS / SSL
> which is what we really mean.

But you can use TLS via a secure transmission pipe or not correct?  I
think we need to distinguish those two cases as well otherwise the user
maybe unable to determine the level of security used via the UI.

Possibly you can, but it doesn't make much sense.  And in that case we should just have another drop-down entry
None / TLS / SSL / TLS over SSL

Would it be better to remove the configuration entirely?

Replace it with a modified "Test connection" button that tries most secure to least secure, until one works.

User gets feedback saying "Using an very secure connection" (for always), "using a mostly secure connection" (for when possible), and "Using an insecure connection".

While it does that it can populate the authentication method drop down.

Just a thought,


Brian P. Skahan                         bskahan etria com
Partner, Desktop Applications           410-370-7706
Etria, LLP                    

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