[Evolution-hackers] hang of evo when access ldap AB

hi, toshok

I often meet hang of evolution 1.4.5 when query info from ldap server.

Normally if I click a simple string(one time), like as "leon", i can access some cards from ldap server,
but if I click "leons" sevral times quickly, i will find the evo freezed now!!!
(btw, searching "leons" should not receive any AB info too)

when evo freezed, I print the two stacks in evolution and wombat process(details is in the last part of this email).

I get the simplfied calling relationsship below:

                evoution                                                      wombat

  (time-out )
               |signal emit                                                  <<<< hang >>>>
   e_book_check_listener_queue()                                       bonobo_object_release_unref()
               |                                                                    ^
               |                                                                    |
               V                                                                    |
   e_book_do_response_get_view()                                       pas_book_view_dispose()
               |                                                                    ^
               |                                                                    |
               V                                                                    |
   bonobo_object_release_unref()                                        pas_book_view_dispose()
               |                                                                    ^
               |                                                                    |

From the calling map above, I guess the evo hang because wombat has been hanged.

Further more, pas_book_view_dispose() 's calling "bonobo_object_release_unref (book_view->priv->listener, NULL);"
might be the direct source of this hang.

If I comment out that line, there exist no hang at all.

I feel suprised why commenting out the line can fix this hang, and what is the exact source of this hang.

can you give some suggesions or comments?



evoution side

#0  0xffffe002 in ?? ()
#1  0x4125e1b7 in g_main_context_poll (context=0x0, timeout=-1, priority=2147483647, fds=0x82f8a08, n_fds=10) at main.c:2698
#2  0x4125d6c1 in g_main_context_iterate (context=0x80c93e8, block=1, dispatch=1, self=0x80b6e00) at gmain.c:2375
#3  0x4125d940 in g_main_context_iteration (context=0x80c93e8, may_block=1) at gmain.c:2439
#4  0x408242a9 in link_main_iteration (block_for_reply=1) at linc.c:230
#5  0x40844195 in giop_recv_buffer_get (ent=0xbfffcf70) at giop-recv-buffer.c:711
#6  0x408485ae in ORBit_small_invoke_stub (obj=0x83375e8, m_data=0x4081d0c0, ret=0x0, args=0x0, ctx=0x0, ev=0xbfffd0d0)
    at orbit-small.c:642
#7 0x4084836c in ORBit_small_invoke_stub_n (object=0x83375e8, methods=0xa, index=2147483647, ret=0x0, args=0x0, ctx=0x0, ev=0xbfffd0d0) at orbit-small.c:571 #8 0x40859f5d in ORBit_c_stub_invoke (obj=0x83375e8, methods=0x80b0784, method_index=1, ret=0x0, args=0x0, ctx=0x0, ev=0xbfffd0d0, class_id=1, method_offset=8, skel_impl=0xbfffd0d0) at poa.c:2492
#9  0x40814b40 in Bonobo_Unknown_unref (_obj=0x83375e8, ev=0xbfffd0d0) at Bonobo_Unknown-stubs.c:23
#10 0x405acc50 in bonobo_object_release_unref (object=0x83375e8, opt_ev=0xbfffd0d0) at bonobo-object.c:568
#11 0x41814a9f in e_book_do_response_get_view (book=0x83bdf88, resp=0x8317d30) at e-book.c:341
#12 0x41815095 in e_book_check_listener_queue (listener=0x83bde40, book=0x83bdf88) at e-book.c:554
#13 0x4121d904 in g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID (closure=0x83a82d8, return_value=0x0, n_param_values=1, param_values=0xfffffffc,invocation_hint=0xbfffd268, marshal_data=0x0) at gmarshal.c:77
#14 0x4120cb1a in g_closure_invoke (closure=0x83a82d8, return_value=0x0, n_param_values=1, param_values=0xbfffd360,
    invocation_hint=0xbfffd268) at gclosure.c:437
#15 0x4121d4de in signal_emit_unlocked_R (node=0x830b700, detail=0, instance=0x83bde40, emission_return=0x0,
    instance_and_params=0xbfffd360) at gsignal.c:2822
#16 0x4121c60e in g_signal_emit_valist (instance=0x83bde40, signal_id=423, detail=0,
    var_args=0xxssdfasdfasdfasdfasdf ... )  at gsignal.c:2554
#17 0x4121c807 in g_signal_emit (instance=0x83bde40, signal_id=423, detail=0) at gsignal.c:2612
   #18 0x4181165b in e_book_listener_check_queue (listener=0x83bde40) at e-book-listener.c:105
#19 0x4125eb0f in g_timeout_dispatch (source=0x830df38, callback=0, user_data=0x83bde40) at gmain.c:3124
#20 0x4125c502 in g_main_dispatch (context=0x80c8ef8) at gmain.c:1751
#21 0x4125d431 in g_main_context_dispatch (context=0x80c8ef8) at gmain.c:2299
#22 0x4125d737 in g_main_context_iterate (context=0x80c8ef8, block=1, dispatch=1, self=0x80b6e00) at gmain.c:2380
#23 0x4125dd96 in g_main_loop_run (loop=0x810e878) at gmain.c:2600
#24 0x405a8505 in bonobo_main () at bonobo-main.c:294
#25 0x0809b432 in main (argc=1, argv=0xbfffd794) at main.c:637
#26 0x42015574 in __libc_start_main () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6

wombat side !!!
n ?? ()
#1  0x41263e11 in ORBit_POA_handle_request (poa=0x80f5e70, recv_buffer=0x814f358, objkey=0x814f370) at poa.c:1440
#2  0x41266ee7 in ORBit_handle_request (orb=0x80f5dc8, recv_buffer=0x814f358) at orbit-adaptor.c:191
#3  0x41250ebf in giop_connection_handle_input (lcnx=0x8122508) at giop-recv-buffer.c:1275
#4  0x41231f30 in link_connection_io_handler (gioc=0x0, condition=G_IO_IN, data=0x8122508) at linc-connection.c:1241
#5 0x41233888 in link_source_dispatch (source=0x8122388, callback=0x41231df4 <link_connection_io_handler>, user_data=0x8122508) at linc-source.c:54
#6  0x41317502 in g_main_dispatch (context=0x80f3980) at gmain.c:1751
#7  0x41318431 in g_main_context_dispatch (context=0x80f3980) at gmain.c:2299
#8  0x41318737 in g_main_context_iterate (context=0x80f3980, block=1, dispatch=1, self=0x80e4510) at gmain.c:2380
#9  0x41318940 in g_main_context_iteration (context=0x80f3980, may_block=1) at gmain.c:2439
#10 0x412302a9 in link_main_iteration (block_for_reply=1) at linc.c:230
#11 0x41250195 in giop_recv_buffer_get (ent=0xbfffd760) at giop-recv-buffer.c:711
#12 0x412545ae in ORBit_small_invoke_stub (obj=0x814d7a0, m_data=0x412290c0, ret=0x0, args=0x0, ctx=0x0, ev=0xbfffd860)
    at orbit-small.c:642
#13 0x4125436c in ORBit_small_invoke_stub_n (object=0x814d7a0, methods=0x0, index=3, ret=0x0, args=0x0, ctx=0x0, ev=0xbfffd860) at orbit-small.c:571 #14 0x41265f5d in ORBit_c_stub_invoke (obj=0x814d7a0, methods=0x80e3994, method_index=1, ret=0x0, args=0x0, ctx=0x0, ev=0xbfffd860, class_id=2, method_offset=8, skel_impl=0xbfffd860) at poa.c:2492
#15 0x41220b40 in Bonobo_Unknown_unref (_obj=0x814d7a0, ev=0xbfffd860) at Bonobo_Unknown-stubs.c:23
#16 0x40ed3c50 in bonobo_object_release_unref (object=0x814d7a0, opt_ev=0x0) at bonobo-object.c:568
#17 0x080afbc6 in pas_book_view_dispose (object=0x814d770) at pas-book-view.c:238
#18 0x412959e1 in g_object_last_unref (object=0x814d770) at gobject.c:429
#19 0x40ed33b8 in bonobo_object_finalize_servant (servant=0x814d784, ev=0xbfffd920) at bonobo-object.c:248
#20 0x41263128 in ORBit_POA_deactivate_object (poa=0x80f5e70, pobj=0x8153418, do_etherealize=252
#21 0x4126401d in ORBit_POAObject_post_invoke (pobj=0x3) at poa.c:1633
#22 0x41263559 in ORBit_POAObject_handle_request (pobj=0x8153418, opname=0x814f32c "unref", ret=0x0, args=0x0, ctx=0x0,
    recv_buffer=0x814edc0, ev=0xbfffda60) at poa.c:1277
#23 0x41263988 in ORBit_POAObject_invoke_incoming_request (pobj=0x8153418, recv_buffer=0x814edc0, opt_ev=0xbfffda60) at poa.c:1312
#24 0x41263c9c in ORBit_POA_handle_request (poa=0x80f5e70, recv_buffer=0x814edc0, objkey=0x814edd8) at poa.c:1508
#25 0x41266ee7 in ORBit_handle_request (orb=0x80f5dc8, recv_buffer=0x814edc0) at orbit-adaptor.c:191
#26 0x41250ebf in giop_connection_handle_input (lcnx=0x8122508) at giop-recv-buffer.c:1275
#27 0x41231f30 in link_connection_io_handler (gioc=0x0, condition=G_IO_IN, data=0x8122508) at linc-connection.c:1241
#28 0x41233888 in link_source_dispatch (source=0x8122300, callback=0x41231df4 <link_connection_io_handler>, user_data=0x8122508) at linc-source.c:54
#29 0x41317502 in g_main_dispatch (context=0x80f3c90) at gmain.c:1751
#30 0x41318431 in g_main_context_dispatch (context=0x80f3c90) at gmain.c:2299
#31 0x41318737 in g_main_context_iterate (context=0x80f3c90, block=1, dispatch=1, self=0x80e4510) at gmain.c:2380
#32 0x41318d96 in g_main_loop_run (loop=0x8111828) at gmain.c:2600
#33 0x40ecf505 in bonobo_main () at bonobo-main.c:294
#34 0x0805d29e in main (argc=3, argv=0xbfffdcd4) at wombat.c:245
#35 0x42015574 in __libc_start_main () from /lib/tls/libc.so.6

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