/** * This is just a memeory allocation function for xmlReconciliateNs. */ int xmlReconciliateNsAllocMap(xmlNsPtr **oldNs, xmlNsPtr **newNs, int **createdNs, int sizeCache, int reall) { if (! reall) { *oldNs = (xmlNsPtr *) xmlMalloc(sizeCache * sizeof(xmlNsPtr)); if (oldNs == NULL) { xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext, "xmlReconciliateNs : memory pbm\n"); return(0); } *newNs = (xmlNsPtr *) xmlMalloc(sizeCache * sizeof(xmlNsPtr)); if (newNs == NULL) { xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext, "xmlReconciliateNs : memory pbm\n"); xmlFree(oldNs); return(0); } *createdNs = (int *) xmlMalloc(sizeCache * sizeof(int)); if (createdNs == NULL) { xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext, "xmlReconciliateNs : memory pbm\n"); xmlFree(createdNs); return(0); } } else { *oldNs = (xmlNsPtr *) xmlRealloc(oldNs, sizeCache * sizeof(xmlNsPtr)); if (oldNs == NULL) { xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext, "xmlReconciliateNs : memory pbm\n"); xmlFree(newNs); return(0); } *newNs = (xmlNsPtr *) xmlRealloc(newNs, sizeCache * sizeof(xmlNsPtr)); if (newNs == NULL) { xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext, "xmlReconciliateNs : memory pbm\n"); xmlFree(oldNs); return(0); } *createdNs = (int *) xmlRealloc(createdNs, sizeCache * sizeof(int)); if (createdNs == NULL) { xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext, "xmlReconciliateNs : memory pbm\n"); xmlFree(createdNs); return(0); } } return (1); } /** * This is just a memeory allocation function for xmlReconciliateNs. */ int xmlReconciliateNsAllocBag(xmlNsPtr **bag, int sizeCache, int reall) { if (! reall) { *bag = (xmlNsPtr *) xmlMalloc(sizeCache * sizeof(xmlNsPtr)); if (bag == NULL) { xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext, "xmlReconciliateNs : memory pbm\n"); return(0); } } else { *bag = (xmlNsPtr *) xmlRealloc(bag, sizeCache * sizeof(xmlNsPtr)); if (bag == NULL) { xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext, "xmlReconciliateNs : memory pbm\n"); xmlFree(bag); return(0); } } return (1); } /** * This one will return 1 if a namespace is declared in the ancestor-or-self axis of @node and * @breakNs does not exist in between; returns 0 otherwise. */ int xmlReconciliateNsIsReachableNs(xmlNodePtr node, xmlNsPtr ns, xmlNsPtr breakNs) { xmlNodePtr curNode = node; xmlNsPtr curNs; if ((node == NULL) || (ns == NULL)) return(0); while (curNode != NULL) { curNs = curNode->nsDef; while (curNs != NULL) { if ((breakNs == curNs) && (breakNs != ns)) return(0); if (curNs == ns) return(1); curNs = curNs->next; } curNode = curNode->parent; } return(0); } int xmlReconciliateNs(xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr tree) { // Namespace map. xmlNsPtr *oldNs = NULL; xmlNsPtr *newNs = NULL; int *createdNs = NULL; int mapSizeCache = 0; int mapnbCache = 0; // Namespace bag. xmlNsPtr *nsBag = NULL; int bagSizeCache = 0; int bagnbCache = 0; xmlNsPtr n; xmlNodePtr node = tree, tmpNode; xmlAttrPtr attr; int ret = 0, i, j; xmlNsPtr *ancNsList = NULL, *curAncNs = NULL; int found; xmlChar prefix[50]; int counter; // Put namespaces of ancestors into the namespace bag. if (node->parent != NULL) ancNsList = xmlGetNsList(doc, node->parent); if (ancNsList != NULL) { // Initialize the ns bag cache if needed. if (bagSizeCache == 0) { bagSizeCache = 10; if (! xmlReconciliateNsAllocBag(&nsBag, bagSizeCache, 0)) return(-1); } curAncNs = ancNsList; while (*curAncNs != NULL) { if (bagSizeCache <= bagnbCache) { bagSizeCache *= 2; if (! xmlReconciliateNsAllocBag(&nsBag, bagSizeCache, 1)) return(-1); } nsBag[bagnbCache++] = *curAncNs; curAncNs++; } xmlFree(ancNsList); } // Walk the tree. while (node != NULL) { if ((mapSizeCache == 0) && ((node->nsDef != NULL) || (node->ns != NULL))) { mapSizeCache = 10; if (! xmlReconciliateNsAllocMap(&oldNs, &newNs, &createdNs, mapSizeCache, 0)) return(-1); } // Put declared namespaces of the subtree into the namespace bag. if (node->nsDef != NULL) { // Initialize the ns bag cache if needed. if (bagSizeCache == 0) { bagSizeCache = 10; if (! xmlReconciliateNsAllocBag(&nsBag, bagSizeCache, 0)) return(-1); } n = node->nsDef; while (n != NULL) { // Check if we need to grow the bag cache buffer. if (bagSizeCache <= bagnbCache) { bagSizeCache *= 2; if (! xmlReconciliateNsAllocBag(&nsBag, bagSizeCache, 1)) return(-1); } nsBag[bagnbCache++] = n; n = n->next; } } if (node->ns != NULL) { // Try to remap namespaces. for (i = 0;i < mapnbCache;i++) { // Additionally we have to check if this one is in scope at all. if ( (oldNs[i] == node->ns) && xmlReconciliateNsIsReachableNs(node, newNs[i], node->ns) ) { node->ns = newNs[i]; break; } } if (i == mapnbCache) { // Search in the parental axis for a namespace with an equal URI. n = xmlSearchNsByHref(doc, node, node->ns->href); if (n == NULL) { // Check if an already created namespace can be used. for (i = 0;i < mapnbCache; i++) { if ( createdNs[i] && xmlStrEqual(newNs[i]->href, node->ns->href) ) { n = newNs[i]; break; } } } if (mapSizeCache <= mapnbCache) { mapSizeCache *= 2; if (! xmlReconciliateNsAllocMap(&oldNs, &newNs, &createdNs, mapSizeCache, 1)) return(-1); } oldNs[mapnbCache] = node->ns; if (n != NULL) createdNs[mapnbCache] = 0; else { // We need to create a new namespace. // Note that we don't bother yet with dublicate prefixes this will // be done later. That's why we pass NULL as the node argument to xmlNewNs. n = xmlNewNs(NULL, node->ns->href, node->ns->prefix); createdNs[mapnbCache] = 1; } newNs[mapnbCache++] = n; node->ns = n; } } /* * Now check for namespaces hold by the attributes on the node. */ attr = node->properties; while (attr != NULL) { if (attr->ns != NULL) { // Try to remap namespaces. for (i = 0;i < mapnbCache;i++) { // Additionally we have to check if this one is in scope at all. if ( (oldNs[i] == attr->ns) && xmlReconciliateNsIsReachableNs(node, newNs[i], attr->ns) ) { attr->ns = newNs[i]; break; } } if (i == mapnbCache) { // Search in the parental axis for a namespace with an equal URI. n = xmlSearchNsByHref(doc, node, attr->ns->href); if (n == NULL) { // Check if an already created namespace can be used. for (i = 0;i < mapnbCache; i++) { if ( createdNs[i] && xmlStrEqual(newNs[i]->href, attr->ns->href) ) { n = newNs[i]; break; } } } if (mapSizeCache <= mapnbCache) { mapSizeCache *= 2; if (! xmlReconciliateNsAllocMap(&oldNs, &newNs, &createdNs, mapSizeCache, 1)) return(-1); } oldNs[mapnbCache] = attr->ns; if (n != NULL) createdNs[mapnbCache] = 0; else { // We need to create a new namespace. // Note that we don't bother yet with dublicate prefixes this will // be done later. That's why we pass NULL as the node argument to xmlNewNs. n = xmlNewNs(NULL, attr->ns->href, attr->ns->prefix); ret++; createdNs[mapnbCache] = 1; } newNs[mapnbCache++] = n; attr->ns = n; } } attr = attr->next; } /* * Browse only element nodes of the subtree. Deep first. */ found = 0; while (!found) { /* Children first. */ if (node->children != NULL) { node = node->children; if (node->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) break; } /* Then siblings. */ if (node != tree) { /* Search for next element node sibling. */ tmpNode = node->next; while (tmpNode != NULL) { if (tmpNode->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) { node = tmpNode; found = 1; break; } tmpNode = tmpNode->next; } } if (found) break; /* Go up to parents->next if needed. */ while ((! found) && (node != tree)) { node = node->parent; if (node != tree) { /* Search for next element node sibling. */ tmpNode = node->next; while (tmpNode != NULL) { if (tmpNode->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) { node = tmpNode; found = 1; break; } tmpNode = tmpNode->next; } } } if (node == tree) { node = NULL; break; } } } // Rename prefixes of newly created namespaces if neccessary. for (i = 0;i < mapnbCache; i++) { if (createdNs[i]) { n = newNs[i]; // Find a close prefix which is not already in use. // Let's strip namespace prefixes longer than 20 chars ! if (n->prefix == NULL) snprintf((char *) prefix, sizeof(prefix), "default"); else snprintf((char *) prefix, sizeof(prefix), "%.20s", n->prefix); counter = 1; found = 0; while (counter < 1000) { // Search in namespace bag. for (j = 0; j < bagnbCache; j++) { // Check if any of the existent namespaces could shadow this prefix. // Note that an equal prefix won't be shadowed if the URI is equal as well. if ( (nsBag[j] != n) && xmlStrEqual(nsBag[j]->prefix, prefix) && (! xmlStrEqual(nsBag[j]->href, n->href))) { found = 1; break; } } if (found) { // This prefix is occupied; try with an other one. if (n->prefix == NULL) snprintf((char *) prefix, sizeof(prefix), "default%d", counter++); else snprintf((char *) prefix, sizeof(prefix), "%.20s%d", n->prefix, counter++); found = 0; } else { // This prefix available. if (n->prefix != NULL) xmlFree((char *) n->prefix); // Declare this ns on the node. n->prefix = xmlStrdup(prefix); if (tree->nsDef == NULL) { tree->nsDef = n; } else { xmlNsPtr prev = tree->nsDef; while (prev->next != NULL) { prev = prev->next; } prev->next = n; } // Put it in the bag. if (bagSizeCache <= bagnbCache) { bagSizeCache *= 2; if (! xmlReconciliateNsAllocBag(&nsBag, bagSizeCache, 1)) return(-1); } nsBag[bagnbCache++] = n; break; } } if (counter == 1000) { // This is bad: substitution of a ns prefix failed. xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext, "xmlReconciliateNs : substitution of a ns prefix failed\n"); return(-1); } } } if (oldNs != NULL) xmlFree(oldNs); if (newNs != NULL) xmlFree(newNs); if (createdNs != NULL) xmlFree(createdNs); if (nsBag != NULL) xmlFree(nsBag); return(ret); }