Index: HTMLparser.c
RCS file: /cvs/gnome/gnome-xml/HTMLparser.c,v
retrieving revision 1.93
diff -c -r1.93 HTMLparser.c
*** HTMLparser.c 2001/07/18 19:30:25 1.93
--- HTMLparser.c 2001/08/16 23:05:13
*** 616,622 ****
* Returns the related htmlElemDescPtr or NULL if not found.
! const htmlElemDescPtr
htmlTagLookup(const xmlChar *tag) {
unsigned int i;
--- 616,622 ----
* Returns the related htmlElemDescPtr or NULL if not found.
! const htmlElemDesc *
htmlTagLookup(const xmlChar *tag) {
unsigned int i;
*** 690,696 ****
static void
htmlAutoCloseOnClose(htmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt, const xmlChar *newtag) {
! htmlElemDescPtr info;
xmlChar *oldname;
int i, priority;
--- 690,696 ----
static void
htmlAutoCloseOnClose(htmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt, const xmlChar *newtag) {
! const htmlElemDesc * info;
xmlChar *oldname;
int i, priority;
*** 1337,1343 ****
* Returns the associated htmlEntityDescPtr if found, NULL otherwise.
! const htmlEntityDescPtr
htmlEntityLookup(const xmlChar *name) {
unsigned int i;
--- 1337,1343 ----
* Returns the associated htmlEntityDescPtr if found, NULL otherwise.
! const htmlEntityDesc *
htmlEntityLookup(const xmlChar *name) {
unsigned int i;
*** 1363,1369 ****
* Returns the associated htmlEntityDescPtr if found, NULL otherwise.
! const htmlEntityDescPtr
htmlEntityValueLookup(unsigned int value) {
unsigned int i;
#ifdef DEBUG
--- 1363,1369 ----
* Returns the associated htmlEntityDescPtr if found, NULL otherwise.
! const htmlEntityDesc *
htmlEntityValueLookup(unsigned int value) {
unsigned int i;
#ifdef DEBUG
*** 1464,1470 ****
*out++ = c;
} else {
int len;
! htmlEntityDescPtr ent;
* Try to lookup a predefined HTML entity for it
--- 1464,1470 ----
*out++ = c;
} else {
int len;
! const htmlEntityDesc * ent;
* Try to lookup a predefined HTML entity for it
*** 1557,1563 ****
*out++ = c;
} else {
! htmlEntityDescPtr ent;
const char *cp;
char nbuf[16];
int len;
--- 1557,1563 ----
*out++ = c;
} else {
! const htmlEntityDesc * ent;
const char *cp;
char nbuf[16];
int len;
*** 1952,1958 ****
xmlChar *name = NULL;
xmlChar *cur = NULL;
! htmlEntityDescPtr ent;
* allocate a translation buffer.
--- 1952,1958 ----
xmlChar *name = NULL;
xmlChar *cur = NULL;
! const htmlEntityDesc * ent;
* allocate a translation buffer.
*** 2079,2088 ****
* Returns the associated htmlEntityDescPtr if found, or NULL otherwise,
* if non-NULL *str will have to be freed by the caller.
! htmlEntityDescPtr
htmlParseEntityRef(htmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt, xmlChar **str) {
xmlChar *name;
! htmlEntityDescPtr ent = NULL;
*str = NULL;
if (CUR == '&') {
--- 2079,2088 ----
* Returns the associated htmlEntityDescPtr if found, or NULL otherwise,
* if non-NULL *str will have to be freed by the caller.
! const htmlEntityDesc *
htmlParseEntityRef(htmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt, xmlChar **str) {
xmlChar *name;
! const htmlEntityDesc * ent = NULL;
*str = NULL;
if (CUR == '&') {
*** 3188,3194 ****
static void
htmlParseReference(htmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt) {
! htmlEntityDescPtr ent;
xmlChar out[6];
xmlChar *name;
if (CUR != '&') return;
--- 3188,3194 ----
static void
htmlParseReference(htmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt) {
! const htmlEntityDesc * ent;
xmlChar out[6];
xmlChar *name;
if (CUR != '&') return;
*** 3390,3396 ****
htmlParseElement(htmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt) {
xmlChar *name;
xmlChar *currentNode = NULL;
! htmlElemDescPtr info;
htmlParserNodeInfo node_info;
xmlChar *oldname;
int depth = ctxt->nameNr;
--- 3390,3396 ----
htmlParseElement(htmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt) {
xmlChar *name;
xmlChar *currentNode = NULL;
! const htmlElemDesc * info;
htmlParserNodeInfo node_info;
xmlChar *oldname;
int depth = ctxt->nameNr;
*** 4153,4159 ****
xmlChar *name, *oldname;
int depth = ctxt->nameNr;
! htmlElemDescPtr info;
if (avail < 2)
goto done;
--- 4153,4159 ----
xmlChar *name, *oldname;
int depth = ctxt->nameNr;
! const htmlElemDesc * info;
if (avail < 2)
goto done;
Index: HTMLtree.c
RCS file: /cvs/gnome/gnome-xml/HTMLtree.c,v
retrieving revision 1.58
diff -c -r1.58 HTMLtree.c
*** HTMLtree.c 2001/07/12 01:20:07 1.58
--- HTMLtree.c 2001/08/16 23:05:13
*** 433,439 ****
htmlNodeDumpFormat(xmlBufferPtr buf, xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr cur,
int format) {
! htmlElemDescPtr info;
if (cur == NULL) {
--- 433,439 ----
htmlNodeDumpFormat(xmlBufferPtr buf, xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr cur,
int format) {
! const htmlElemDesc * info;
if (cur == NULL) {
*** 931,937 ****
htmlNodeDumpFormatOutput(xmlOutputBufferPtr buf, xmlDocPtr doc,
xmlNodePtr cur, const char *encoding, int format) {
! htmlElemDescPtr info;
if (cur == NULL) {
--- 931,937 ----
htmlNodeDumpFormatOutput(xmlOutputBufferPtr buf, xmlDocPtr doc,
xmlNodePtr cur, const char *encoding, int format) {
! const htmlElemDesc * info;
if (cur == NULL) {
Index: include/libxml/HTMLparser.h
RCS file: /cvs/gnome/gnome-xml/include/libxml/HTMLparser.h,v
retrieving revision 1.22
diff -c -r1.22 HTMLparser.h
*** include/libxml/HTMLparser.h 2001/07/16 00:06:07 1.22
--- include/libxml/HTMLparser.h 2001/08/16 23:05:14
*** 58,73 ****
* There is only few public functions.
! const htmlElemDescPtr htmlTagLookup (const xmlChar *tag);
! const htmlEntityDescPtr htmlEntityLookup(const xmlChar *name);
! const htmlEntityDescPtr htmlEntityValueLookup(unsigned int value);
int htmlIsAutoClosed(htmlDocPtr doc,
htmlNodePtr elem);
int htmlAutoCloseTag(htmlDocPtr doc,
const xmlChar *name,
htmlNodePtr elem);
! htmlEntityDescPtr htmlParseEntityRef(htmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt,
xmlChar **str);
int htmlParseCharRef(htmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt);
void htmlParseElement(htmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt);
--- 58,73 ----
* There is only few public functions.
! const htmlElemDesc * htmlTagLookup (const xmlChar *tag);
! const htmlEntityDesc * htmlEntityLookup(const xmlChar *name);
! const htmlEntityDesc * htmlEntityValueLookup(unsigned int value);
int htmlIsAutoClosed(htmlDocPtr doc,
htmlNodePtr elem);
int htmlAutoCloseTag(htmlDocPtr doc,
const xmlChar *name,
htmlNodePtr elem);
! const htmlEntityDesc * htmlParseEntityRef(htmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt,
xmlChar **str);
int htmlParseCharRef(htmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt);
void htmlParseElement(htmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt);