using Gst, GLib; // compile with: // valac --pkg gstreamer-0.10 gst-app.vala class Gstapp : GLib.Object { MainLoop loop = new MainLoop(null, false); Bin pipeline; Bin decoder; Element sink; Element filter; private bool bus_watch(Bus bus, Message message) { //stdout.printf("Got %s message", Message.type_get_name(message.type)); switch (message.type) { case MessageType.ERROR: { Error err; string debug; message.parse_error(out err, out debug); stdout.printf("Error: %s\n", err.message); loop.quit(); break; } case MessageType.EOS: { loop.quit(); break; } default: break; } //stdout.putc('\n'); return true; } private void on_new_pad(Pad pad) { Pad sinkpad = sink.get_pad("sink"); if (pad.can_link(sinkpad)); } public int run(string[] args) { Gst.init(ref args); if (args.length != 2) { stdout.printf("usage: %s FILE\n", args[0]); return 1; } string location = args[1]; pipeline = new Pipeline("pipeline"); decoder = (Bin)ElementFactory.make("decodebin", "decoder"); Signal.connect_swapped(decoder, "new-decoded-pad", (Callback)on_new_pad, this); dynamic Element source = ElementFactory.make("filesrc", "source"); source.location = location; sink = ElementFactory.make("autovideosink", "sink"); filter = new MyTransform(); = "filter"; var colorspace = ElementFactory.make("ffmpegcolorspace", "colorspace"); pipeline.add_many(source, decoder, colorspace, filter, sink);;; sink = colorspace; pipeline.get_bus().add_watch(bus_watch); pipeline.set_state(State.PLAYING);; pipeline.set_state(State.NULL); return 0; } public static int main(string[] args) { var app = new Gstapp(); return; } } class MyTransform: Element { static const ElementDetails details = { "My Transform", "Example/FirstExample", "Try to make a plugin using Vala", "alberto " }; static const StaticPadTemplate sink_factory = { "sink", PadDirection.SINK, PadPresence.ALWAYS, {"ANY"} }; static const StaticPadTemplate src_factory = { "src", PadDirection.SRC, PadPresence.ALWAYS, {"ANY"} }; class construct { set_details(details); add_pad_template(src_factory.get()); add_pad_template(sink_factory.get()); } } /* // from bus callback case MessageType.TAG: { TagList taglist; message.parse_tag(out taglist); // generates a warning in the C sources taglist.foreach( (list, tag) => { string val, niceval; if (list.get_string(tag, out val)) niceval = " = \""+val+"\""; else niceval = ""; stdout.printf(": %s%s", tag, niceval); }); break; } case MessageType.ELEMENT: { Structure s = message.get_structure(); // generates a warning in the C sources s.foreach( (field_id, val) => { stdout.printf("\tfield %s\n", field_id.to_string()); return true; }); break; } case MessageType.STATE_CHANGED: { State oldstate, newstate, pending; message.parse_state_changed(out oldstate, out newstate, out pending); stdout.printf(": %d -> %d (%d)", (int)oldstate, (int)newstate, (int)pending); break; } // MUST be static, otherwise valac will silently omit them in the C sources... static string? vfs_location; static string? rtsp_location; static string? file_location; const OptionEntry[] entries = { {"vfs", 'v', 0, OptionArg.STRING, out vfs_location, "play video from URI", "URI"}, {"rtsp", 'r', 0, OptionArg.STRING, out rtsp_location, "play RTSP stream", "RTSP"}, {"file", 'f', 0, OptionArg.FILENAME, out file_location, "play video from FILE", "FILE"}, {null} }; OptionContext ctx = new OptionContext(" -- play video from file or RTSP"); OptionGroup gstgroup = Gst.init_get_option_group(); ctx.add_main_entries(entries, null); ctx.add_group(#gstgroup); Element source; try { GLib.Object src; ctx.parse(ref args); if (rtsp_location != null) { src = ElementFactory.make("rtspsrc", "source"); src.set("location", rtsp_location); } else if (vfs_location != null) { src = ElementFactory.make("gnomevfssrc", "source"); src.set("location", vfs_location); } else if (file_location != null) { src = ElementFactory.make("filesrc", "source"); src.set("location", file_location); } else { stdout.printf("%s", ctx.get_help(true, null)); throw new OptionError.FAILED("please specify a file/uri to play"); } assert(src != null); source = (Element)src; } catch (OptionError e) { stdout.printf("Error: %s\n\n", e.message); return 1; } */