# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # This handler was originaly created by Mikkel Kamstrup (c) 2006 and updated by Eugenio Cutolo (eulin) # # This program can be distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL version 2 or later. # See the file COPYING. # import gnome import gobject from gettext import gettext as _ import re, cgi, sys import os.path import dbus import deskbar, deskbar.Utils, deskbar.gnomedesktop from deskbar.Handler import SignallingHandler from deskbar.Match import Match #Edit this var for change the numer of output results MAX_RESULTS = 10 def _check_requirements (): try: import dbus try : if getattr(dbus, 'version', (0,0,0)) >= (0,41,0): import dbus.glib # Check that Tracker can be started via dbus activation, we will have trouble if it's not bus = dbus.SessionBus() proxy_obj = bus.get_object('org.freedesktop.DBus', '/org/freedesktop/DBus') dbus_iface = dbus.Interface(proxy_obj, 'org.freedesktop.DBus') activatables = dbus_iface.ListActivatableNames() if not "org.freedesktop.Tracker" in activatables: return (deskbar.Handler.HANDLER_IS_NOT_APPLICABLE, "Tracker is not activatable via dbus", None) except: return (deskbar.Handler.HANDLER_IS_NOT_APPLICABLE, "Python dbus.glib bindings not found.", None) return (deskbar.Handler.HANDLER_IS_HAPPY, None, None) except: return (deskbar.Handler.HANDLER_IS_NOT_APPLICABLE, "Python dbus bindings not found.", None) HANDLERS = { "TrackerSearchHandler" : { "name": "Search for files using Tracker Search Tool", "description": _("Search all of your documents (using Tracker), as you type"), "requirements" : _check_requirements, }, "TrackerLiveSearchHandler" : { "name": "Search for files using Tracker(live result)", "description": _("Search all of your documents (using Tracker live), as you type"), "requirements" : _check_requirements, "categories" : { "develop" : { "name": _("Development Files"), }, "music" : { "name": _("Music"), }, "images" : { "name": _("Images"), }, "videos" : { "name": _("Videos"), }, "conversations" : { "name": _("Conversations"), }, "applications" : { "name": _("Applications"), }, "files": { "name": _("Files"), }, "documents": { "name": _("Documents"), }, }, }, } #For now description param it's not used TYPES = { "Applications" : { "description": (_("Launch %s (%s)") % ("%(name)s", "%(app_name)s") ), "category": "applications", "action": "%(exec)s", }, "GaimConversations" : { "description": (_("See %s conversation\n%s %s\nfrom %s") % ("%(proto)s", "%(channel)s", "%(conv_to)s", "%(time)s")), "category": "conversations", }, "Email" : { "description": (_("Email from %s") % "%(publisher)s" ) + "\n%(title)s", "category": "emails", "action" : "evolution %(uri)s", "icon" : "stock_mail", }, "Music" : { "description": _("Listen to music %s\nin %s") % ("%(base)s", "%(dir)s"), "category": "music", }, "Documents" : { "description": _("See document %s\nin %s") % ("%(base)s", "%(dir)s"), "category": "documents", }, "Development Files" : { "description": _("Open file %s\nin %s") % ("%(base)s", "%(dir)s"), "category": "develop", }, "Images" : { "description": _("View image %s\nin %s") % ("%(base)s", "%(dir)s"), "category": "images", }, "Videos" : { "description": _("Watch video %s\nin %s") % ("%(base)s", "%(dir)s"), "category": "videos", }, "Other Files" : { "description": _("Open file %s\nin %s") % ("%(base)s", "%(dir)s"), "category": "files", }, "Extra" : { "description": _("See more result with t-s-t"), }, } #STATIC HANDLER--------------------------------- class TrackerFileMatch (Match): def __init__(self, backend, **args): deskbar.Match.Match.__init__(self, backend, **args) def action(self, text=None): gobject.spawn_async(["tracker-search-tool", self.name], flags=gobject.SPAWN_SEARCH_PATH) def get_verb(self): return _("Search "+self.name+" with Tracker Search Tool") def get_category (self): return "actions" class TrackerSearchHandler(deskbar.Handler.Handler): def __init__(self): deskbar.Handler.Handler.__init__(self, ("system-search", "tracker")) def query(self, query): return [TrackerFileMatch(self, name=query)] #LIVE HANDLER--------------------------------- class TrackerMoreMatch (Match): def __init__(self, backend, qstring, category="files", **args): Match.__init__(self, backend, **args) self._icon = deskbar.Utils.load_icon("tracker") self.qstring = qstring self.category = category def get_verb(self): return TYPES["Extra"]["description"] def get_category (self): try: return TYPES[self.category]["category"] except: pass def action(self, text=None): gobject.spawn_async(["tracker-search-tool", self.qstring], flags=gobject.SPAWN_SEARCH_PATH) class TrackerLiveFileMatch (Match): def __init__(self, handler,result=None, **args): Match.__init__ (self, handler,name=result["name"], **args) self.result = result self.fullpath = result['uri'] self.init_names() self.result["base"] = self.base self.result["dir"] = self.dir # Set the match icon try: self._icon = deskbar.Utils.load_icon(TYPES[result['type']]["icon"]) except: if self.result.has_key ('icon'): self._icon = deskbar.Utils.load_icon_for_desktop_icon (result ['icon']) else: self._icon = deskbar.Utils.load_icon_for_file(result['uri']) def get_name(self, text=None): try: return self.result except: pass def get_verb(self): try: return TYPES[self.result["type"]]["description"] except: return _("Open file %s\nin %s") % ("%(base)s", "%(dir)s") def get_hash(self, text=None): try: if self.result ['type'] == 'Applications': # return a name that matches the one returned by the Program handler of deskbar return "generic_" + self.result ['app_basename'] return self.result['uri'] except: pass def action(self, text=None): if TYPES[self.result["type"]].has_key("action"): cmd = TYPES[self.result["type"]]["action"] cmd = map(lambda arg : arg % self.result, cmd.split()) # we need this to handle spaces correctly # fix spaces in the first arg - needed for some desktop applications, # notably nautilus burner or "gksu terminal" (parsed from .desktop file) if len (cmd) > 1: cmd = cmd[0].split () + cmd[1:] else: cmd = cmd[0].split () print "Opening Tracker hit with command:", cmd try: # deskbar >= 2.17 deskbar.Utils.spawn_async(cmd) except AttributeError: # deskbar <= 2.16 gobject.spawn_async(args, flags=gobject.SPAWN_SEARCH_PATH) else: try: # deskbar >= 2.17 deskbar.Utils.url_show ("file://"+cgi.escape(self.result['uri'])) except AttributeError: gnome.url_show("file://"+cgi.escape(self.result['uri'])) print "Opening Tracker hit:", self.result['uri'] def get_category (self): try: return TYPES[self.result["type"]]["category"] except: return "files" def init_names (self): #print "Parsing «%r»" % self.fullpath dirname, filename = os.path.split(self.fullpath) if filename == '': #We had a trailing slash dirname, filename = os.path.split(dirname) #Reverse-tilde-expansion home = os.path.normpath(os.path.expanduser('~')) regexp = re.compile(r'^%s(/|$)' % re.escape(home)) dirname = re.sub(regexp, r'~\1', dirname) self.dir = dirname self.base = filename class TrackerLiveSearchHandler(SignallingHandler): def __init__(self): import re SignallingHandler.__init__(self, "tracker") # initing on search request, see self.query self.tracker = self.search_iface = self.keywords_iface = self.files_iface = None self.set_delay (500) self.conv_re = re.compile (r'^.*?/logs/([^/]+)/([^/]+)/([^/]+)/(.+?)\.(:?txt|html)$') # all, proto, account, to-whom, time #if deskbar.Utils.is_program_in_path ("xdg-open"): # TYPES["Applications"]["action"] = "xdg-open %(uri)s" def handle_email_hits (self, info, output): output["title"] = cgi.escape(info[3]) output["publisher"] = cgi.escape(info[4]) def handle_conversation_hits (self, info, output): output ['uri'] = info [0] m = self.conv_re.match (output['uri']) output['channel']=_("with") output['proto']=output['conv_from']=output['conv_to']=output['time']="" # XXX, never happened during tests if m: output['proto'] = m.group (1) output['conv_from'] = m.group (2) output['conv_to'] = m.group (3) output['time'] = m.group (4) if output['conv_to'].endswith ('.chat'): output['channel'] = _("in channel") output['conv_to'] = output['conv_to'].replace (".chat","") if output['proto'] == 'irc': nick_server = output['conv_from'].split ('@') if len (nick_server) > 1: output['conv_to'] = "%s on %s" % (output['conv_to'], nick_server[1]) # escape those entities, purple uses this to escape / on jabber channel/user conversations output['uri'] = output['uri'].replace ("%", "%25") # escape irc channel prefixes, else the path name parsing of stops at '#' (this holds also for the icon search) output['uri'] = output['uri'].replace ("#", "%23") def handle_application_hits (self, info, output): # print info # dbus.Array( # [ # dbus.String(u'/usr/share/applications/gksu.desktop'), # TrackerUri 0 # dbus.String(u'Applications'), # TrackerType 1 # dbus.String(u'Application'), # DesktopType 2 # dbus.String(u'Root Terminal'), # DesktopName 3 # dbus.String(u'gksu /usr/bin/x-terminal-emulator'), # DesktopExec 4 # dbus.String(u'gksu-root-terminal') # DesktopIcon 5 # ], # signature=dbus.Signature('s')) # Strip %U or whatever arguments in Exec field output['app_name'] = re.sub(r'%\w+', '', info [4]).strip () output['app_basename'] = cgi.escape (os.path.basename (output['app_name'])) output['app_name'] = cgi.escape (output['app_name']) if output['app_basename'] == '': # strange // in app_name, e.g. nautilus burn:/// output['app_basename'] = output['app_name'] output['name'] = cgi.escape (info [3]) output['icon'] = cgi.escape (info [5]) desktop = parse_desktop_file (output['uri']) if not desktop: print >> sys.stderr, '*** Could not read .desktop file: %s' % info[0] else: # XXX: terminal applications make only sense when run with xdg-open or # the desktop-specific variant of it terminal_only = desktop.get_string ('Terminal') if not terminal_only or terminal_only.lower () == 'false': # Strip %U or whatever arguments in Exec field exe = re.sub ("%\w+", "", desktop.get_string("Exec")) output['exec'] = cgi.escape (exe.strip ()) def recieve_hits (self, qstring, hits, max): matches = [] results = {} for info in hits: output = {} output['name'] = os.path.basename(info[0]) output['uri'] = str(cgi.escape(info[0])) output['type'] = info[1] if not TYPES.has_key(output['type']): output['type'] = "Other Files" if output["type"] == "Email": self.handle_email_hits (info, output) elif output['type'] in ('GaimConversations', 'Conversations'): self.handle_conversation_hits (info, output) elif output['type'] == 'Applications': self.handle_application_hits (info, output) # if Application and no key exec -> desktop file could no be read/parsed if output['type'] != 'Applications' or output.has_key ('exec'): try: results[output['type']].append(output) except: results[output['type']] = [output] for key in results.iterkeys (): for res in results[key][0:MAX_RESULTS]: matches.append(TrackerLiveFileMatch(self,res)) self.emit_query_ready(qstring, matches) print "Tracker response for %s; %d hits returned, %d shown" % (qstring, len(hits), len(matches)) def recieve_error (self, error): print >> sys.stderr, "*** Tracker dbus error:", error def query (self, qstring, max): if not self.tracker: try: bus = dbus.SessionBus() self.tracker = bus.get_object('org.freedesktop.Tracker','/org/freedesktop/tracker') self.search_iface = dbus.Interface(self.tracker, 'org.freedesktop.Tracker.Search') self.keywords_iface = dbus.Interface(self.tracker, 'org.freedesktop.Tracker.Keywords') self.files_iface = dbus.Interface(self.tracker, 'org.freedesktop.Tracker.Files') except: print >> sys.stderr, "DBus connection to tracker failed, check your settings." return if qstring.count("tag:") == 0: for service in ("Files", "Emails", "Conversations", "Applications"): self.search_iface.TextDetailed (-1, service, qstring, 0,10, reply_handler=lambda hits : self.recieve_hits(qstring, hits, max), error_handler=self.recieve_error) print "Tracker query:", qstring else: if self.tracker.GetVersion() == 502: self.search_iface.Query(-1,"Files",["File.Format"],"",qstring.replace("tag:",""),"",False,0,100, reply_handler=lambda hits : self.recieve_hits(qstring, hits, max), error_handler=self.recieve_error) elif self.tracker.GetVersion() == 503: self.search_iface.Query(-1,"Files",["File:Mime"],"",qstring.replace("tag:",""),"",False,0,100, reply_handler=lambda hits : self.recieve_hits(qstring, hits, max), error_handler=self.recieve_error) print "Tracker tag query:", qstring.replace("tag:","") # this code is stolen from the programs handler of deskbar def parse_desktop_file(desktop, only_if_visible=False): try: desktop = deskbar.gnomedesktop.item_new_from_file(desktop, deskbar.gnomedesktop.LOAD_ONLY_IF_EXISTS) except Exception, e: print 'Couldn\'t read desktop file:%s:%s' % (desktop, e) return None if desktop == None or desktop.get_entry_type() != deskbar.gnomedesktop.TYPE_APPLICATION: return None if only_if_visible and desktop.get_boolean(deskbar.gnomedesktop.KEY_NO_DISPLAY): return None return desktop