import gnome import gobject import re import sys import urllib import time import cgi import os.path import deskbar import deskbar.core.Utils import deskbar.core.gnomedesktop import deskbar.interfaces.Module import deskbar.interfaces.Match import deskbar.interfaces.Action from deskbar.core.Utils import is_program_in_path, spawn_async from deskbar.handlers.actions.OpenWithApplicationAction import \ OpenWithApplicationAction from deskbar.handlers.actions.OpenDesktopFileAction import \ OpenDesktopFileAction from deskbar.handlers.actions.ShowUrlAction import \ ShowUrlAction from gettext import gettext as _ MAX_RESULTS = 10 HANDLERS = ['TrackerSearchToolHandler', 'TrackerLiveSearchHandler'] class TrackerSearchToolMatch (deskbar.interfaces.Match): def __init__(self, **kwargs): deskbar.interfaces.Match.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.add_action (TrackerSearchToolAction (self.get_name ())) self._pixbuf = deskbar.core.Utils.load_icon ('tracker') def get_hash (self, text=None): return 'tst-more-hits-action-'+self.get_name () def get_category (self): return 'actions' class TrackerSearchToolAction (deskbar.interfaces.Action): def __init__(self, name): deskbar.interfaces.Action.__init__ (self, name) = name def activate(self, text=None): gobject.spawn_async(['tracker-search-tool',], \ flags=gobject.SPAWN_SEARCH_PATH) def get_verb(self): return _('Search for %s with Tracker Search Tool') % '%(name)s' def get_hash (self): return 't-s-t:' def get_category (self): return 'actions' class TrackerSearchToolHandler(deskbar.interfaces.Module): INFOS = { 'icon': deskbar.core.Utils.load_icon ('tracker'), 'name': _('Tracker Search'), 'description': _('Search with Tracker Search Tool'), 'version': '0.6.2', } def __init__(self): deskbar.interfaces.Module.__init__(self) def query(self, query): self._emit_query_ready (query, [TrackerSearchToolMatch(name=query, priority=self.get_priority ())]) @staticmethod def has_requirements (): return is_program_in_path ('tracker-search-tool') #For now description param it's not used TYPES = { 'Applications': { 'description': (_('Launch %s (%s)') % ('%(name)s', '%(app_name)s') ), 'category': 'actions', }, 'GaimConversations': { 'description': (_('See %s conversation\n%s %s\nfrom %s') % ('%(proto)s', '%(channel)s', '%(conv_to)s', '%(time)s')), 'category': 'conversations', }, 'Emails': { 'description': (_('Email from %s') % '%(publisher)s' ) + '\n%(title)s', 'category': 'emails', 'action' : 'evolution %(uri)s', }, 'Music': { 'description': _('Listen to music %s\nin %s') % ('%(base)s', '%(dir)s'), 'category': 'music', #'icon': 'audio-x-generic', }, 'Documents': { 'description': _('See document %s\nin %s') % ('%(base)s', '%(dir)s'), 'category': 'documents', }, 'Development': { 'description': _('Open file %s\nin %s') % ('%(base)s', '%(dir)s'), 'category': 'develop', }, 'Images': { 'description': _('View image %s\nin %s') % ('%(base)s', '%(dir)s'), 'category': 'images', 'icon': 'image', }, 'Videos': { 'description': _('Watch video %s\nin %s') % ('%(base)s', '%(dir)s'), 'category': 'videos', #'icon': 'video-x-generic', }, 'Folders': { 'description': _('Open folder %s\n%s') % ('%(name)s', '%(dir)s/%(name)s'), 'category': 'places', }, 'Files': { 'description': _('Open file %s\nin %s') % ('%(base)s', '%(dir)s'), 'category': 'files', }, 'Extra': { 'description': _('Search for %s with Tracker Search Tool') % ('%(name)s'), }, } class TrackerLiveSearchMatch (deskbar.interfaces.Match): def __init__(self, result, **args): deskbar.interfaces.Match.__init__ (self) self.result = result try: desktop = result['desktop'] del result['desktop'] except: desktop = None # Set the match icon try: self._pixbuf = deskbar.core.Utils.load_icon(TYPES[result['type']]['icon']) except: if self.result.has_key ('icon'): self._pixbuf = deskbar.core.Utils.load_icon_for_desktop_icon (result ['icon']) else: if self.result['type'] != 'GaimConversations': try: self._pixbuf = deskbar.core.Utils.load_icon ('file://'+result['uri']) except: pass # some icons cannot be loaded... (e.g. for non existent file or illegal URI) self.add_action (TrackerLiveSearchAction (result, desktop)) #if result['type'] == 'Images': # for prg in ('gimp', 'gthumb', 'gwenview'): # if is_program_in_path (prg): # self.add_action (OpenWithApplicationAction (result['name'], prg, [result['uri']])) def get_name (self, text = None): return self.result ['name'] def get_verb(self): try: return TYPES[self.result['type']]['description'] except: return _('Open file %s\nin %s') % ('%(base)s', '%(dir)s') def get_hash(self, text=None): return self.result['uri'] def get_category (self): try: return TYPES[self.result['type']]['category'] except: return 'files' class TrackerLiveSearchAction (deskbar.interfaces.Action): def __init__ (self, result, desktop): deskbar.interfaces.Action (self) = result['name'] self.desktop = desktop self.result = result self.init_names (result['unquoted_uri']) def get_name(self, text=None): return self.result def get_hash(self, text=None): if self.result ['type'] == 'Applications': # return a name that matches the one returned by the Program handler of deskbar return 'generic_' + self.result ['app_basename'] return self.result['uri'] def get_verb(self): try: return TYPES[self.result['type']]['description'] except: return _('Open file %s\nin %s') % ('%(base)s', '%(dir)s') def activate (self, text=None): if TYPES[self.result['type']].has_key('action'): cmd = TYPES[self.result['type']]['action'] cmd = map(lambda arg : arg % self.result, cmd.split()) # we need this to handle spaces correctly print 'Opening Tracker hit with command:', cmd deskbar.core.Utils.spawn_async(cmd) else: if self.desktop: self.desktop.launch ([]) else: deskbar.core.Utils.url_show ('file://'+urllib.quote (self.result['uri'])) print 'Opening Tracker hit:', urllib.quote (self.result['uri']) def init_names (self, fullpath): dirname, filename = os.path.split(fullpath) if filename == '': #We had a trailing slash dirname, filename = os.path.split(dirname) #Reverse-tilde-expansion home = os.path.normpath(os.path.expanduser('~')) regexp = re.compile(r'^%s(/|$)' % re.escape(home)) dirname = re.sub(regexp, r'~\1', dirname) self.result ['base'] = filename self.result ['dir'] = dirname class TrackerLiveSearchHandler(deskbar.interfaces.Module): INFOS = { 'icon': deskbar.core.Utils.load_icon ('tracker'), 'name': _('Tracker Live Search'), 'description': _('Search with Tracker, as you type'), 'version': '0.6.2', 'categories': { 'develop': { 'name': _('Development Files'), }, 'music': { 'name': _('Music'), }, 'images': { 'name': _('Images'), }, 'videos': { 'name': _('Videos'), }, 'folders': { 'name': _('Folders'), }, }, } @staticmethod def has_prerequisites (): try: import dbus try : if getattr(dbus, 'version', (0,0,0)) >= (0,41,0): import dbus.glib # Check that Tracker can be started via dbus activation, we will have trouble if it's not bus = dbus.SessionBus() proxy_obj = bus.get_object('org.freedesktop.DBus', '/org/freedesktop/DBus') dbus_iface = dbus.Interface(proxy_obj, 'org.freedesktop.DBus') activatables = dbus_iface.ListActivatableNames() if not 'org.freedesktop.Tracker' in activatables: TrackerLiveSearchHandler.INSTRUCTIONS = ('Tracker is not activatable via dbus') return False except: TrackerLiveSearchHandler.INSTRUCTIONS = ('Python dbus.glib bindings not found.') return False return True except: TrackerLiveSearchHandler.INSTRUCTIONS = ('Python dbus bindings not found.') return False def __init__(self): deskbar.interfaces.Module.__init__(self) # initing on search request, see self.query self.tracker = self.search_iface = self.keywords_iface = self.files_iface = None self.conv_re = re.compile (r'^.*?/logs/([^/]+)/([^/]+)/([^/]+)/(.+?)\.(:?txt|html)$') # all, proto, account, to-whom, time self.have_tst = is_program_in_path ('tracker-search-tool') def handle_email_hits (self, info, output): output['title'] = info[3] output['publisher'] = info[4] def handle_conversation_hits (self, info, output): output ['uri'] = info [0] m = self.conv_re.match (output['uri']) output['channel']=_('with') output['proto']=output['conv_from']=output['conv_to']=output['time']='' # XXX, never happened during tests if m: output['proto'] = (1) output['conv_from'] = urllib.unquote ( (2)) output['conv_to'] = urllib.unquote ( (3)) output['time'] = time_from_purple_log ( (4)) if output['conv_to'].endswith ('.chat'): output['channel'] = _('in channel') output['conv_to'] = output['conv_to'].replace ('.chat','') if output['proto'] == 'irc': nick_server = output['conv_from'].split ('@') if len (nick_server) > 1: output['conv_to'] = '%s on %s' % (output['conv_to'], nick_server[1]) def handle_application_hits (self, info, output): # print info # dbus.Array( # [ # dbus.String(u'/usr/share/applications/gksu.desktop'), # TrackerUri 0 # dbus.String(u'Applications'), # TrackerType 1 # dbus.String(u'Application'), # DesktopType 2 # dbus.String(u'Root Terminal'), # DesktopName 3 # dbus.String(u'gksu /usr/bin/x-terminal-emulator'), # DesktopExec 4 # dbus.String(u'gksu-root-terminal') # DesktopIcon 5 # ], # signature=dbus.Signature('s')) # Strip %U or whatever arguments in Exec field output['app_name'] = re.sub(r'%\w+', '', info [4]).strip () output['app_basename'] = os.path.basename (output['app_name']) output['app_name'] = output['app_name'] if output['app_basename'] == '': # strange // in app_name, e.g. nautilus burn:/// output['app_basename'] = output['app_name'] output['name'] = info [3] output['icon'] = info [5] desktop = parse_desktop_file (output['uri']) if desktop: output['desktop'] = desktop def recieve_hits (self, qstring, hits, max): matches = [] for info in hits: output = {} info = [str (i) for i in info] output['unquoted_uri'] = output['uri'] = info[0] output['name'] = os.path.basename(output['unquoted_uri']) output['type'] = info[1] if not TYPES.has_key(output['type']): output['type'] = 'Files' if output['type'] == 'Emails': self.handle_email_hits (info, output) elif output['type'] == 'GaimConversations': self.handle_conversation_hits (info, output) elif output['type'] == 'Applications': self.handle_application_hits (info, output) # applications are launched by .desktop file, if not readable: exclude if output['type'] != 'Applications' or output.has_key ('desktop'): matches.append(TrackerLiveSearchMatch (output)) if len (matches): self._emit_query_ready (qstring, matches) print 'Tracker response for %s; %d hits returned, %d shown' % \ (qstring, len(hits), len(matches)) def recieve_error (self, error): print >> sys.stderr, '*** Tracker dbus error:', error def query (self, qstring): max = MAX_RESULTS if not self.tracker: try: import dbus bus = dbus.SessionBus() self.tracker = bus.get_object('org.freedesktop.Tracker', '/org/freedesktop/tracker') self.search_iface = dbus.Interface(self.tracker, 'org.freedesktop.Tracker.Search') self.keywords_iface = dbus.Interface(self.tracker, 'org.freedesktop.Tracker.Keywords') self.files_iface = dbus.Interface(self.tracker, 'org.freedesktop.Tracker.Files') except: print >> sys.stderr, 'DBus connection to tracker failed, check your settings.' return for service in [key for key in TYPES.iterkeys () if key != 'Extra']: print 'Searching %s' % service self.search_iface.TextDetailed (-1, service, qstring, 0, max, \ reply_handler = lambda hits: self.recieve_hits(qstring, hits, max), error_handler = self.recieve_error) print 'Tracker query:', qstring if self.have_tst: self._emit_query_ready (qstring, [TrackerSearchToolMatch (name=qstring, priority=self.get_priority ())]) # this code is stolen from the programs handler of deskbar def parse_desktop_file(desktop, only_if_visible=False): try: desktop = deskbar.core.gnomedesktop.item_new_from_file(desktop, deskbar.core.gnomedesktop.LOAD_ONLY_IF_EXISTS) except Exception, e: print 'Couldn\'t read desktop file:%s:%s' % (desktop, e) return None if desktop == None or desktop.get_entry_type() != deskbar.core.gnomedesktop.TYPE_APPLICATION: return None if only_if_visible and desktop.get_boolean(deskbar.core.gnomedesktop.KEY_NO_DISPLAY): return None return desktop def time_from_purple_log (instr): try: if instr.find ('+') != -1: # new kind of log timestamp... return time.strftime ('%c', time.strptime (re.sub (r'\+\d{4}', '', instr), '%Y-%m-%d.%H%M%S%Z')) else: # ...from ancient times return time.strftime ('%c', time.strptime (instr, '%Y-%m-%d.%H%M%S')) except: print >> sys.stderr, '*** time parsing for purple chat log failed: %s' % sys.exc_info ()[1] return instr