[Shotwell] Slow Import with many duplicates...

Norbert Preining preining at logic.at
Mon Apr 22 08:31:51 UTC 2013

Hi Lucas,

sorry for the late reply, I was somewhere between Europe and Japan ...

On Do, 11 Apr 2013, Lucas Beeler wrote:
> Is your import from devices slow even when there are no duplicates present?

I moved away my shotwell folders (in .cache and .local/share) and
restarted shotwell, importing from the card, and that worked without
any problem, very quick.

Importing direct into the full library of 8 photos worked till all 
the 8 photos flashed by on the screen, and then shotwell got stuck
badly at 100% CPU and no reaction. I had to kill it.
(30000+ photos in shotwell)

> We know of an issue involving duplicates (

It seems that this is the reason ... but not only.

Why would an import from folder into the full library be so blazingly
fast ... is there no duplicate check done I assume. If this is the
case, then yes.

> Curiously, does import speed seem in any way proportional to the number of
> photos you have in your library? If you've got an empty library, is import
> faster than in your personal photo library with (I'm guessing) thousands of
> photos? I ask because a slowdown proportional to library size suggests that
> the duplicate detection code path might be involved.

Yes, I have this feeling.

I will also play around with the profiling code.

BTW, where is the duplication code (in the source code), I can look
into the actual code, too?!


PREINING, Norbert                               http://www.preining.info
JAIST, Japan                                 TeX Live & Debian Developer
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